The first victim of a rare tick-borne virus died in New York - ForumDaily
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The first victim of a rare tick-borne virus died in New York

A rare tick-borne virus that provokes death in New York. About this on Thursday, 1 August, writes CNN with reference to health officials in Ulster County.

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A resident of Gardiner, New York, was the first victim of Powassan virus in the state this year. The Department of Health reported that the victim had a primary disease.

Ulster County authorities urge residents to be alert for ticks that can carry Povassan virus.

“It is critical that all residents take all necessary precautions against tick-borne illnesses, especially during outdoor activities. Residents should carefully check themselves and their pets for ticks and tick bites,” says Dr. Carod Smith, Ulster County Health Commissioner.

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Smith also recommends that people who spend time outside wear light clothes, stick to known paths and use insect repellents containing DEET.

Povassan virus causes fever, headache, vomiting, loss of coordination, and problems with memory and speech. However, often the virus causes no symptoms, according to the CDC.

It can also provoke encephalitis and meningitis.

Those who have found tick bites and are experiencing any general symptoms of indisposition should consult a physician.

In 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported an 21 case of Povassan virus. Three people died. Most infections occur from late spring to mid-autumn, when ticks are most active.

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