In New York, a festive evening was held in honor of the 15 anniversary of the Time Out TV project. PHOTO - ForumDaily
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In New York, a festive evening was held in honor of the 15 anniversary of the Time Out TV project. A PHOTO

On June 20, a gala evening dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Time Out Weekly television project was held at the Russian Consulate General in New York. Guests of the event were greeted by Oleg Frish, a famous TV presenter and performer of jazz and classical pop music.

Oleg Frish on stage. Photo: Alexander Barash

American music and entertainment is known and respected all over the world, and for Oleg Frisch this is especially important. Those growing up in the Soviet Union had their own cultural problems: behind the Iron Curtain, music from the United States was banned, but musicians such as James Brown, B.B. King, Donna Summer, Connie Francis, Neil Sedaka, Gloria Gaynor, Desmond Child, Kenny J, Al DiMeola and others managed to break through barriers - like the famous hits “Hello Dolly”, “New York, New York”, “I Will Survive” and “Sunny”.

Since 1991, Oleg Frisch lives in New York and hosts a television show. He became the first Russian-speaking host, in each of the broadcasts of which legendary musicians and emblematic artists participated. Oleg interviewed 2000 American, European and Russian stars.

Oleg Frish on stage. Photo: Alexander Barash

In love with American music, he also recorded several discs. The latest album of his dream come true entitled “Duets with my American idols” begins with an introduction from Connie Francis, followed by duets: with Bobby Rydell, Gary W. S. Bonds, Leini Kazan, Ben E. King, Tony Orlando, Melissa Manchester , Lou Christie, BJ Thomas, Peggy March and Chris Montez.

On the subject: Oleg Frish invites you to swing, laugh and love songs

Time Out Weekly is the longest-running ethnic television network dedicated entirely to American legends of song, film and media.

“I never could have imagined that I would get the opportunity to interview classical artists on my television and radio programs,” Oleg admits.

Oleg Frish and TV presenter ABC Rita Cosby. Photo: Alexander Barash

Oleg Frish and TV presenter ABC Rita Cosby. Photo: Alexander Barash

The evening celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Time Out television project was attended by:

  • Lead and producer Oleg Frisch;
  • Participant of the show Dancing With The Stars, the first host of the program - Gleb Savchenko and his young students of the ProDance LA studio (together with Elena Samodanova);
  • The owner of three awards "Emmi", TV presenter ABC channel Rita Cosby;
  • Choreographer, granddaughter of Duke Ellington - Mercedes Ellington;
  • Winner of five Grammy Awards, the legendary singer BJ Thomas;
  • Jazz and cabaret legend, Grammy Award nominee - Marilyn May;
  • Jazz singer from Washington, winner of the Billie Holiday Memorial Vocal Competition - Sharon Clark;
  • The legend of Russian-American jazz, trumpeter Valery Ponomarev;

Consul General of the Russian Federation Sergey Ovsyannikov and President of NTV America Evgeny Piskunov congratulated the organizers and guests on the holiday.

Sergey Ovsyannikov. Photo: Alexander Barash

Evgeny Piskunov. Photo: Alexander Barash

Evgeny Piskunov. Photo: Alexander Barash

Photo: Alexander Barash

Photo: Alexander Barash

Photo: Alexander Barash

Photo: Alexander Barash

Photo: Alexander Barash

Photo: Alexander Barash

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Oleg Frish invites you to swing, laugh and love songs

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