In New York, opened the streets to traffic after a snowstorm - ForumDaily
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In New York, opened the streets to traffic after a snow storm


On Tuesday, it turned out that the snow cover, which covered the city, is much smaller than forecasters expected.

After that, the threat level was reduced, and the ban on traffic in the city was lifted.

Despite this, according to forecasts, in some cities of the states of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire are still waiting until 60 see the snow.

In general, bad weather can cover the territories in which 60 million people live.

New York Mayor Bill de Blascio, speaking in defense of the measures taken, said that it was better to be safe than sorry.

"We've done everything necessary to keep everyone safe," he told CNN.

Bill de Blasio opened the streets of the city for the movement of cars after a snow storm, writes USA Today.

In Central Park, New York, 8 rainfall fell, in some areas of the city - 20, see more. Also, the ban on travel cars was lifted throughout the state of New Jersey, partly in the states of Connecticut and New York. Because of the snowstorm that covered part of the United States, more than 7 thousand flights were canceled.

In particular, today the airline "Aeroflot" canceled two flights from Moscow to New York due to weather conditions. Due to the storm, schools and educational institutions were also closed.

More 10 thousand residents of Massachusetts were left without electricity, writes RBC Daily.

Miscellanea In the U.S. USA New York weather
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