In Miami, an unknown penetrated the secret zone of the airport. VIDEO - ForumDaily
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In Miami, an unknown penetrated the secret zone of the airport. VIDEO

Photo: video frame

A man pretended to talk on his cell phone as he walked past security at a Miami airport, hopped onto a baggage carousel and "drove" to the runway. Edition Miami Herald published exclusive video footage.

They can be seen as a man walking past an empty checkpoint at the ticket office. American Airlines, then rushed to the luggage conveyor.

As a result, he managed to get on the airport runway. On the second video you can see how a crowd of airport employees in neon vests ran after him.

The next recording shows a man lying on the ground being handcuffed by police.

“If there was an airplane at this exit, a person could get into the airplane. This is a very closed area, accessible to a few employees with very limited access,” said the source, who wished to remain anonymous.

Officials American Airlines confirmed that the incident occurred, but for any additional information was asked to contact the police.

A spokesman for Mark Henderson said that the incident is still under investigation and that it is still not clear whether the man was a passenger or an employee.

The presence of the violator of the weapon was not reported.

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