Green card holder, who lived in the US 50 for years, was detained in Los Angeles - ForumDaily
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In Los Angeles, detained a green card holder, who lived in the US 50 years

The immigration and customs authorities (ICE) detained a lawful resident of Los Angeles, who lived in the US for almost 50 years. This was reported by his daughter.


62-year-old José Luis García was detained by ICE agents near his home in the San Fernando Valley on Sunday morning when he watered the lawn, reports The mercury news Wednesday.

His daughter, Natalia Garcia, told the newspaper that she was awakened by the fact that her father was shouting her name and saw eight agents arrest him.

“I didn’t know at that point that they were ICE agents,” Natalie Garcia said. “It happened so quickly and there were so many of them.”

Photos from personal archive

Jose Luis Garcia was convicted of an 18-year-old crime after his daughter's mother filed a domestic violence lawsuit. The daughter added that her father had served his sentence.

“Garcia is currently in custody awaiting completion of deportation proceedings, when an immigration judge at the Office of Immigration Review (EOIR) will determine whether he is lawfully present in the United States,” ICE said in a statement.Mercury News».

Daughter Garcia said that she visited her father in the detention center, where he was being held.

“He is clearly devastated and shocked,” she said.

Recall that about two thousand children of migrants were separated with their parents and guardians detained by the new rules from April 19 to May 31, Jonathan Hoffman, spokesman for the Ministry of National Security, told reporters last Friday. The acute situation with children separated from their relatives caused a heated discussion of the problem in society.

In April, Trump signed a memorandum on cessation of practice, according to which an illegal migrant detained by the American police in the country remained at large until a court decision on his status.

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