In Los Angeles, the producer of the 'Simpsons' died: he was 54 - ForumDaily
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The Simpsons producer dies in Los Angeles at 54

In Los Angeles on the evening of September 22, Michael Mendel, one of the producers of the animated series The Simpsons and Rick and Morty, died. He was 54 of the year.

Photo: Facebook / Juel Bestrop

The Hollywood Reporter magazine wrote about Mendel's death with reference to the widow, Jewel Bestrop, writes Rtvi.

Bestrop said that the cause of death was “natural causes”, but did not specify which ones.

A report from the Adult Swim television network said that Mendel was “the heart” of the team that creates “Rick and Morty,” and his boundless talent and wit would be missed.

Mendel was born in the year 1964. He worked on television for 25 years and won four Emmy Awards.

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From 1989 to 1999, Mendel worked on The Simpsons and contributed to the creation of 207 episodes of the legendary show. Since 2013, the producer has joined the team that did Rick and Morty.

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