In Colorado, a Santa-like man robbed a bank and made a Christmas present for passers-by
In Colorado, a man with a gray beard robbed a bank two days before Christmas, and then began scattering money on the street and enthusiastically wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. Writes about it with the BBC.
Police said an "elderly white man" robbed Academy Bank in Colorado Springs, Colorado at lunchtime on Monday, December 23.
“He robbed a bank, came out, and started throwing money everywhere,” said witness Dion Pascal. “He started throwing money out of his bag and then shouting, “Merry Christmas!”
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Witnesses said that the suspect went to the nearest Starbucks coffee shop, sat in front of her and began to wait for the arrest.
They took all the money from passers-by and returned to the bank.
Colorado Springs police said 65-year-old David Wayne Oliver was the burglar.
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