A high-speed train moving faster than an airplane was successfully tested in China - ForumDaily
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China successfully tested a high-speed train moving faster than an airplane

Six months ago, Elon Musk’s ambitious project to create a new type of transport - Hyperloop, an ultra-high-speed train in a vacuum tube, was closed. Meanwhile, China recently tested a similar magnetic levitation train, the publication reports iXBT with reference to the Xinhua Agency.

Photo: IStock

The tests took place in the city of Datong, Shanien Province in northern China. The project is supervised by the China Space Science and Industry Corporation. To test the train, a 2 km long pipe was built, and low vacuum conditions were created in it - a pressure significantly lower than atmospheric pressure.

During the tests, the train was able to perform controlled navigation, demonstrated suspension stability and a safe stop in accordance with a given curved path. In the future, such a train will be able to reach speeds of up to 1000 km/h - faster than civil aircraft.

In the future, they plan to connect Chinese megacities with high-speed highways. As a result, it will be possible to get from Beijing to Shanghai in about 1,5 hours (currently it takes about 4 hours).

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An old dream and ambitious projects

For the first time, the concept of a vacuum train was proposed by an American scientist Robert Goddard in 1904. Since then, the idea has been put forward from time to time by engineers from different countries.

Of the most recent projects, the most famous is Elon Musk's Hyperloop, which he presented as the fifth mode of transport after train, plane, car and ship. Passenger and cargo capsules were supposed to move along an overhead pipeline located on supports. The concept was unveiled 11 years ago, on August 12, 2013.

The idea seemed promising to three companies at once: The Boring Company, HyperloopTT and Virgin Hyperloop One. The latter has advanced the furthest in the project. In 2020, the company’s specialists presented a half-kilometer long tunnel and drove a capsule with people through it.

In 2019, engineers were inspired and believed that the launch of the project would take place literally “one of these days.” But more than four years have passed, and everyone has forgotten about the high-speed route. Why?

According to one version, the project fell apart due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to another, Musk made mistakes in calculating the cost of creating and further using the locomotive.

There were also quite extravagant versions, for example, that if convenient public transport appeared, people would refuse to buy Tesla electric cars, which is why Musk himself closed the project.

Be that as it may, Hyperloop One closed its Los Angeles office in 2023, cutting over 60% of its employees.

Canadian version

Meanwhile, Canada is successfully working on a vacuum train project. A ticket for it will cost only $75, and the maximum speed will be 1200 km/h.

The TransPod company will build a special tunnel for the train, which can cover a distance of 300 km in 45 minutes. The publication reports this newatlas.com.

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The TransPod FluxJet project is a new component of Canada's transportation system that will use clean energy and provide unprecedented travel speeds.

Like Hyperloop, the FluxJet system is designed to work based on mag-lev technology, but only on certain sections of the road where maximum acceleration of the vehicle will be provided. The capsule train will be able to accelerate from 0 to 300 km/h and then to 1000 km/h. The maximum speed will be 1200 km/h.

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