Shooting in Kentucky kills three police officers and a service dog
Three Kentucky police officers and a service dog were killed and four law enforcement officers wounded in a shootout in a residential area of Prestonsburg on June 30 in the evening. Writes about it Fox News.

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Kentucky State Police said Prestonsburg police captain Ralph Frazur and his deputy William Petrie, dog Nelson and dog handler Jacob Chaffins were identified among the dead.
Lance Stortz, 49, was taken into custody following a shootout at his home when two officers arrived to serve him an arrest warrant. It was around 19:00. Storz, armed with a rifle, opened fire and wounded both police officers, according to the Prestonsburg Police Department.
Floyd County Sheriff John Hunt said the officers were in for "real hell." When they arrived at the scene, they "didn't stand a chance".
Other officers from different jurisdictions also responded to the incident, four of whom were injured.
“It's unfortunate when someone dies,” said Matt Gayheart of the Kentucky State Police. — I not only worked with these people, they were our friends. So we all have to stick together and get through this together.”
"Jake and Drago completed a two-week training course in Little Rock, Arkansas, where they received national certification in drug detection, tracking and arrest," police said.
Drago was a Belgian Malinois born on January 20, 2020.
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Captain Frazur was in command of the Special Projects Division, which includes school resources and security, the Criminal Investigation Division, and others.
"The man fired hundreds of shots from a pre-arranged firearm throughout the house," the message on the officers' memorial page reads.
The police said that Storets was previously wanted for crimes related to domestic violence.
“Thirty-nine years you served with honor and glory until the last second, you did not give up without a fight. We love you. Your work here is done, ”the post of the police department dedicated to Frazur reads.
“You dedicated your short time on this earth to serving the citizens of Prestonsburg as an EMT, firefighter and police officer. In addition, you have dedicated yourselves to the security of our country, ”the post reads in honor of Chaffins.
“The lives you have saved since you started working in the police are countless, and that is how you gave your life - saving another. We will carry your light to the whole world as long as we breathe, ”the post in honor of Petri says.
Gov. Andy Beshear confirmed the "tragic loss" of officers in a tweet and asked members of the Floyd County community to pray for the injured and families affected by the shooting.
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"Floyd County and our brave rescuers suffered a tragic loss last night," the Governor tweeted. “I want to ask all of Kentucky to join me in prayer for this community. This is a tough morning for us."
“We pray for the families of the dead, the wounded and the entire community of the metropolis. These heroes sacrificed everything to protect our people,” Beshir added.
The first lady of the state, Brittany Beshear, also tweeted that her "heart is breaking."
She assured that her "thoughts and prayers are with" each of the families affected by the shooting.
"Let's honor our officers for their bravery and self-sacrifice," she concluded.
At least four police officers and one civilian were injured in the shootout, state officials said, although the arrest report lists five police officers and one civilian.
The condition of the wounded is unclear.
Police said Stortz has been charged with multiple counts of murdering a police officer, attempted murder of a police officer and assaulting a service animal.
The defendant is being held on $10 million bail; A court hearing has been scheduled for July 11.
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