In Kazakhstan, the court overturned the decision on the deportation of an American because of a mistake in the translation - ForumDaily
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In Kazakhstan, the court overturned the decision on the deportation of an American because of an error in the translation

The specialized appeal panel of the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan 30 May canceled the decision of the court of Taraz city on American expulsion Victoria Charbonneau, founder of the Kamkor Zhurek (Caring Heart) charitable foundation.

The press service of the Supreme Court said that the case against the woman was dropped. He writes about this “Currently,«.

Charbonneau lived in Kazakhstan for almost 20 years. In the city of Taraz, she founded a charitable foundation for single mothers and orphans. But in 2018, when renewing her residence permit once again, she made a mistake in the application due to an incorrect translation. In the questionnaire, to the question: “Have you previously submitted documents for permanent residence,” she answered: “No,” although Victoria submitted such an application. According to her, the mistake was made by the lawyers whom Charbonneau turned to for help in preparing the documents.

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Photo: Facebook screenshot

A court in Taraz found the woman guilty of violating immigration rules and ordered to leave Kazakhstan within five days without the possibility of re-entering the country over the next five years. The judge did not heed the arguments that the departure of Charbonneau actually put an end to a charity project in Kazakhstan, which she led.

History Charbonneau gained great fame in Kazakhstan and abroad. At the same time, Charbonne lawyers appealed to the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan with a petition and asked to cancel the deportation submission, which was issued by the court of Taraz.

"I'm shocked. For 19 years, I have given my heart to helping orphans, single mothers, people with disabilities, the marginalized, and I pray for many more years to come,” Charbonneau said when she received the deportation order.

Canceling a prescription means that her prayers have been heard, and she will be able to stay in Kazakhstan and continue to help the children.

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