California police refused to hand over to ICE the illegal who killed the child
An illegal immigrant who served a sentence for the murder of a child was released from a California jail in early December, despite an ignored request from federal immigration authorities for his transfer so they could take him into custody to begin deportation proceedings. Writes about it Fox News.
Carlos Morales-Ramirez, 44, was released from Valley Prison in Chowchilla on 4 December. In 1998, El Salvadorian Morales-Ramirez was convicted in Los Angeles County of second degree murder, assaulting a child resulting in death and causing serious bodily injury to a child resulting in death.
The California Department of Corrections said it could not find records of Morales-Ramirez.
California's asylum policy allows local law enforcement to ignore requests from the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for extradition. The agency is filing requests in an attempt to take illegal prisoners into custody on the eve of their impending release to begin deportation procedures for people living in the United States illegally.
On the subject: In California, ICE Arrested 125 Illegal Immigrants In Week Despite State-Asylum Policy
“Asylum laws give law enforcement the discretion to cooperate with immigration authorities in cases of serious or violent crimes. Instead of working with our officers to ensure this convicted aggravated felon was safely turned over to ICE, he was released and our officers are forced to expend more time and resources to re-arrest,” said ICE Los Angeles Office Director Dave Marin.
Asylum policy advocates argue that it encourages illegal immigrants to act as witnesses to crimes and report crimes that may go unreported for fear of deportation.
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Opponents argue that this policy releases dangerous criminals into the streets to re-commit the crime. Some were released and committed serious crimes, including murder.
Last year, a Californian woman was stabbed to death by illegal Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza. ICE has filed several applications for his extradition, which have not been completed.
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