In California, a doctor removed 23 lenses from the eye of a patient who complained of pain and poor vision - ForumDaily
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In California, a doctor removed 23 lenses from the eye of a patient who complained of pain and poor vision.

It was a typical Monday at the clinic. Toward the end of the day, a female patient in her 70s came in wearing disposable contact lenses. She thought she had something in her eye and she couldn't get it out. What the doctor discovered shocked everyone! The edition told in more detail Insider.

Photo: IStock

“Even though we ask older people to come in for annual check-ups, this woman has been missing them and hasn't had an appointment for two years. Although her vision was blurry, her main concern was pain,” she said. ophthalmologist from Newport Beach (California) Katerina Kurteeva.

“I wondered what it could be: a piece of broken contact lens, a scratch on the cornea, an infection, an eyelash or makeup residue. But I decided that I would find out for sure only after I carried out the examination,” the doctor noted.

Check for scratches or foreign objects

“To begin with, I used an anesthetic and yellow dye to identify scratches or foreign bodies. I didn't see anything on the cornea upon initial examination, so I started manually pulling back the lower and upper eyelids to see if there was anything in the upper or lower fornix. These are the deep corners of the eyes, like small pockets on the eyelids, and something can get stuck there,” Kurteeva explained.

She found only a little mucus, which may have been a natural reaction to irritation.

On the subject: Why swimming in contact lenses can cost you a sight

“To further my research, I used a tool called an eyelid speculum, which held the upper and lower eyelids open at the same time for a longer period of time so that I could freely use my hands and find out what was wrong,” the ophthalmologist detailed her actions. — When I asked the patient to look down, she saw that the edges of a pair of contact lenses were stuck to each other. When I pulled them out, I felt there was more there and asked my assistant to get out her phone to record the deletion.”

After asking the patient to look down again, the doctor saw a huge dark purple lump of contact lenses stuck to her eye. Carefully, with a cotton swab, she separated the lenses one by one. You can watch a video of the process here.

“In almost 20 years of practice, I have never seen anything like this,” the doctor noted.

She got better almost immediately.

The patient couldn't believe it either and asked if I was sure.

She had her largest collection removed, a few more lenses removed from the corners, her eye was thoroughly rinsed with distilled sterile water, some of the mucus was removed, and then she was sent home with anti-inflammatory drops. She said she already feels much better.

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“Having laid out the lenses on a napkin, I separated them with thin forceps and counted as many as 23. I published the video of the examination on the Internet, and it immediately went viral. Optometrists in South America, Mexico and Europe used this recording to teach people to remove their daily contact lenses from their eyes every night. These are lightweight, fragile lenses and should not be used for more than 24 hours,” the doctor emphasizes.

It can be very dangerous for a person

This patient was very lucky, because she could lose her sight, scratch the cornea or get an infection.

“Although I can't be sure how she managed to forget to take all those lenses out, it could have been because she had been wearing contact lenses for 30 years. When a person wears contact lenses for an extended period of time, it can cause desensitization of the nerve endings in the cornea. This could also be due to her age. The vault of the eyelids in older people is the least sensitive space, much deeper, and the contact lenses just sat there for a while without disturbing her,” Kurteeva explained.

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