In California, an illegal killed two people: the police detained him many times, but refused to transfer to ICE
Homeless, accused of killing two people and wounding three more in a California church, was previously deported by ICE three times. However, local police never turned him over to federal immigration authorities - despite numerous arrests and convictions for violent crimes. The publication told in more detail Fox News.
On Sunday, November 22, 32-year-old Fernando De Jesus Lopez-Garcia shot and killed five people at Grace Baptist Church in San Jose. One man died at the scene and the woman was already in the hospital, San Jose Police Chief Edgardo Garcia said.
The lack of cooperation between local police and federal immigration agencies over the policies of the refuge cities was criticized by a senior federal agent who said the attack could have been avoided.
“Unfortunately, these policies continue to take precedence over public safety,” said David Jennings, director of ICE’s San Francisco office.
Lopez Garcia is charged with two murders, three attempted murders, beating a spouse (or cohabitant) and violating a protective order.
“Thrice Lopez was deported and then returned to the United States,” the police chief said.
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The church often provided shelter and food for the homeless in the area, officials said. Lopez Garcia once also used her services, sometimes even working with church staff to organize services.
Four of the stab victims were homeless, and another was a city clerk and a volunteer at the church. The names of the victims were not disclosed.
Lopez Garcia's criminal history includes convictions for disorderly conduct, providing false information to the police, resisting arrest and assault with a weapon, resulting in a two-year prison sentence.
At the time of the attack, he was already charged with domestic violence in Santa Clara County. He was granted supervised release, which was revoked after failing to appear in court.
At the time of his June arrest, Lopez Garcia, a Mexican citizen, was on probation on a felony charge of domestic violence in a neighboring district, officials said.
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The detainee was sent to the Santa Clara County Jail, and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents wanted to take him into custody upon release. But their request was not approved by the local police, and he was released.
County policy prohibits local law enforcement from contacting ICE regarding the upcoming release of illegal prisoners.
“What we see here is disastrous proof of the abject failure of California's sanctuary policies for undocumented immigrants. The man this policy protected was a criminal. So she allowed him to commit crimes over and over again,” Jennings said. “If ICE had been notified of any other incident where he was arrested and released from local jails, we would have taken him into custody.”
San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo believes that "multiple system failures" allowed Lopez Garcia to commit the second violation.
“This defendant should not have been released,” he said. “In those very rare cases where an illegal alien has been previously convicted of a violent or serious crime, the county must comply with the (California) Values Act by notifying ICE that the person will be released.”
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Santa Clara County's asylum policy came under scrutiny last year following the March 2019 assassination of Bambi Larson in San Jose. Authorities said Carlos Eduardo Arevalo Carranza, who has a long criminal history with numerous arrests and gang connections, stalked and stabbed the 59-year-old woman. Authorities said he was deported in 2013 and re-entered the United States illegally. Several ICE requests to be notified of his release from district prisons were ignored.
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