In Illinois, more than 2 thousand human embryos found in the home of a deceased gynecologist
Relatives of the doctor Ulrich Klopfer, who died in early September, found in his house in northeast Illinois 2 246 human embryos.
The remains were stored in special conditions. Police officers confiscated the embryos. A statement from the Will County Sheriff’s Office said there was no evidence that the operations were carried out at the doctor’s house. Police find out why the doctor kept these samples, writes Rtvi with reference to Reuters.
Klopfer worked in three clinics in neighboring Indiana. According to the local newspaper South Bend Tribune, he was one of the most experienced gynecologists in Indiana: he performed thousands of operations over several decades. In 2016, the state medical board revoked his medical license for violating documentation requirements and the lack of qualified personnel during the procedures.
In 2016, the South Bend Clinic was closed, writes Air force. Then Klopfer was accused of not informing the authorities about the abortions that 13-year-old girl did. He was also unable to confirm the presence of medical personnel during the procedures, reports AP. In addition, according to the documents, he was an osteopathic doctor.
Mike Fichter, president of Indiana Right to Life, a non-profit abortion organization, said that the remains found in Klopfer’s home are “another reason why the abortion industry must be closely monitored.” He also called on authorities to ascertain the origin of the embryos and determine whether they are related to abortion operations.
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Since Indiana 2016 year, a law has been in force under which the remains of the fetus after an abortion must be buried or cremated. Previously, state clinics could give away the remains to specialized companies that were involved in the disposal of medical waste.
Over the years, there has been a heated debate in the United States among proponents and opponents of abortion. In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled “Row vs. Wade,” according to which a woman has the right to terminate a pregnancy of her own free will until the fetus becomes viable. It is believed that this occurs for a period of 23-24 weeks.
State authorities interpret this decision in different ways: in Iowa, Georgia, and Louisiana, an abortion cannot be performed after the sixth week of pregnancy, in Kentucky after the 11, and in Utah after the 18. The US Supreme Court is trying to block such laws: in August, the court repealed the Missouri law banning abortion after the eighth week.
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Klopfer said that he had never lost patients in the 43 year of abortion.
“Women get pregnant, men don’t,” Dr. Klopfer noted during the hearing, according to the New York Times. “We need to respect women making decisions that they consider to be the best in their lives.” I'm not here to tell anyone anything. I'm not here to judge anyone."
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