In Alabama, two months are wagons with feces from New York - ForumDaily
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In Alabama, two months are wagons with feces from New York

A train with feces and other human waste from New York is stuck in the tiny city of Alabama, spreading stench.

Фото: Depositphotos

“In Parris, Alabama, population 982, carloads of feces have been parked for more than two months,” said Mayor Heather Hall. “The smell is simply unbearable, especially after the carriages have warmed up during the day.”

The mayor added that the cars "smell of rotting corpses or carcasses, smell of death."

In recent years, in Georgia, Alabama, and other southern states, all types of waste have been dumped, including toxic coal ash from power plants throughout the country. In South Carolina, a plan to store radioactive nuclear waste in rural areas caused complaints that the state was turning into a nuclear waste dump.

Because of the unbearable smell in Parris, the townspeople are considering the transfer of children's sports to other dates or other fields.

Photo: Facebook / Mayor Heather Hall

Sherlen Pike, who lives about half a mile from the railroad track, said she had to put mint oil on her nose because of an unbearable stench.

"New York doesn't want to dump its waste into rivers, but I think every state should take care of its own waste management," Pike said.

The train load is connected to the landfill. Big Skylocated approximately 20 miles (30 kilometers) east of Parris. Due to the fact that officials received an injunction to bury waste, the train stopped.

"New York has stopped sending waste to Alabama for now," said Eric Timbers, a city spokesman.

In the earlier garbage saga, the 3 186 loaded with tons of non-toxic paper and other waste from Long Island and New York “wandered” around the ocean for several months in the year in search of a burial site. Barge sailed between North Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Belize and the Bahamas.

Last year group Brook's Black Warrior Riverkeeper opposed the extension of landfill permits Big Sky. Alabama’s rural areas were said to be “high-priority” for landfills that accept waste from other states, which means “that Alabama is becoming a dumping ground for the rest of the nation.”

A former state attorney general once described a gigantic training ground in western Alabama as America's "Pay Toilet". It has been one of the largest hazardous waste disposal sites in the world since opening in 1977. Approximately 800 000 tons of hazardous waste were dumped annually.


Miscellanea In the U.S. waste feces
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