At the Seattle airport, the line for inspection stretched to the parking lot: people stood in it for 2,5 hours - ForumDaily
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At the Seattle airport, the line for inspection stretched to the parking lot: people stood in it for 2,5 hours

On September 18 in the morning, a huge queue for security checks at the Sea-Tac airport stretched not only through the main airport premises, but also into the parking area, and according to travelers' tweets, the wait was about 2,5 hours, reports Kiro7.

Photo: IStock

The @flySEA official account says waiting times have been "long" and traffic has increased.

One traveler said he missed his flight even though he arrived at the airport 2,5 hours early.

According to a TSA spokesman, all the screening queues were combined into a single queue, and as soon as travelers reached the terminal, they were redirected to separate checkpoints.

The spokesman said that 24 of the 29 screening lanes were open and two were closed due to equipment failure. The other three are part of international flights.

Airport officials said queues stretched even to the airport parking lot from around 8:15 a.m. to noon, due to the largest number of passengers at the airport since the pandemic.

The TSA spokesman noted that it is now the cruise ship season and travelers arrive at the same time.

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Matt Hagwood was one of many in line. He says that he even arrived at the airport two and a half hours early and did not think that he would have to wait so long.

“It’s just… an unfathomable amount of people they were screening there,” Hagwood said.

“So it wouldn’t surprise me if people waited more than four hours just to get to the checkpoint,” Hagwood said.

He says he stood in line for more than three hours, which caused him to miss his flight, and also lost money due to a trip that never happened.

“They should have known that everyone would be there because of all the scheduled flights. Everyone around me missed their flight,” Hagwood said.

Airport officials say the longest wait time they have recorded during this busy day was 90 minutes.

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One man said people were offered money and other flight plans if they changed flights.

Hagwood hopes to never stand in that line again.

"No one was warned that two hours wasn't enough," Hagwood said.

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