At the airport in New York faced two aircraft
On Saturday early in the morning at the airport JFK collided 2 aircraft.
Company aircraft China Southern the right wing hooked the tail of an airliner Kuwait. As a result, both aircraft were damaged. None of the passengers was injured.
According to the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the aircraft China Southern was towed after the collision. Both planes are Boeing 777.
Kuwait Airways stated in Twitterthat the 118 flight from New York to Kuwait was canceled after a collision with another aircraft. Passengers were taken to the hotels, waiting for alternative flights.
The airline said it was working with authorities in New York to investigate the incident.
Because of the harsh weather conditions, chaos is happening at New York airports.
Passengers who landed on 5 hours were waiting for their luggage, settling down wherever possible.
Other passengers were not allowed to leave the 3 watch at all. Young children shouted from hunger, passengers started calling 911, others threatened to leave the plane through the emergency exit. One passenger needed medical assistance.
According to the air transport tracking service Flightradar 24, dozens of aircraft had the same problems after landing. At midnight, a snapshot of ground-based traffic at the airport was published, showing that several dozen planes were awaiting “gate opening”.
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