At the airport in Los Angeles dogs relieve passengers stress
At the airport in Los Angeles, there are dogs that help passengers calm down before boarding. The “Soothing Animals for Passengers” program has been operating since 2013.
According to Vice, the dogs are dressed in bright red vests with the words "Pet Me" written on them. The dogs are at the airport to remind people to enjoy traveling more and worry less.
Among the dog volunteers there are two retrievers Roux and Echo, and the French bulldog Pierre. In addition, all the dogs from the program have special cards - the name of the animal, their eating habits and favorite games are indicated on them. These cards are most popular with children, said program director Heidi Hubner.
All animals that participate in the program are registered in the Alliance of Dog Therapists, which includes animals of different breeds and sizes. The change of dog lasts about two hours, after which the dogs begin to tire.
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