In California, put up for sale the largest house in the Hollywood Hills. PHOTO. VIDEO - ForumDaily
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In California, put up for sale the largest house in the Hollywood Hills. PHOTO. VIDEO

The largest house to sell in Los Angeles, on the Hollywood Hills, is the 20 058 square foot monster at 8408 Hillside Avenue.

The three-story modern residence is 840% larger than the average single-family home built in America last year (2386 square feet, according to the Census Bureau). And according to the price list of 43,9 of a million dollars, it is 114 times more expensive (the average selling price of a single-family house was 385 of thousands of dollars).

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Here's what it costs a ton of money on these exclusive hills.

The residence is located on the road outside this gate.

The sculptural metal, which looks like a work of art, is actually the front door and is framed by a lush vertical garden.

The mega house has five bedrooms and nine bathrooms.


Only 2800 square feet master suite with private terrace and outdoor hot tub.

The main bathroom has an oval-shaped recessed floor bathtub and glass shower with views of downtown Los Angeles.

There is also a giant dressing room workshop.


Listing Agent David Parnes of the Beverly Hills Agency tells CNBC that the mega-closet should have been smuggled across the Atlantic from Lake Como, Italy.

“And look at this: even your clothes look crazy,” Parnes said.

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At the lowest level of the house you will find a garage on 10 cars, which is better described as a car dealership for supercars.


It is currently filled with an expensive auto owner (which are not included in the sale).

There is an 12-foot waterfall that cascades out of the pool one level higher.

At this level there is also a wellness center with hot and cold pools, a steam room and a sauna.

Of course, there is a gym and even a massage area.


Any Hollywood tycoon who buys this place will need a modern cinema; it has a bar in the back row.

On one level is a stylish home office that is steps away from the glass wine cellar.

Next to the wine cellar is the dining room for 10 people.


A curved infinity pool extends 163 feet with an 270-degree view of Los Angeles.


There is also an outdoor dining area next to the sunken hearth of fire.

And if you want to relax and watch TV, a giant screen rises from under the pool.


But this multi-million dollar facility has not always looked so perfect.

In fact, it looked like this ...


When CNBC first visited 8408 Hillside Ave, the house was still under construction; magnificent views were spoiled by ugly pylons and overhanging power lines. Parnes tells CNBC that the owner, real estate developer Jeff Thomas, has spent more than six months to get rid of all the deformities.

After receiving permits and cutting down the poles, Thomas paid to hide the power lines and restore the street. He planted large palm trees where the pillars stood.

Parnes tells CNBC that the whole process cost 2 a million dollars.


“I mean, 2 of a million dollars is a lot of money that you can spend on filling up power lines. But when you have the 10 house from 10 and the 5 view from 5, you must bring this view to 10. It was a great investment, ”said Parnes.

The 2000 square-foot roof view is also perfect now.

And on a clear night, you can sit by the fire and look down at the whole city, without terrible power lines. It's priceless.

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