Soon REAL ID will become mandatory in the USA: how and who needs to issue this identity card
Twenty-one years after the September 11 attacks, the United States is preparing to introduce stricter identification requirements for air travel and the security of federal facilities. Writes about it wral.
REAL ID was passed by Congress in 2005 after the September 11 attacks in 2001. The final introduction of REAL ID, a way to more securely verify identity and address, has been delayed for years, but identification will be mandatory from May 3, 2023.
The process for obtaining a REAL ID is very similar to the process for obtaining a regular driver's license, but more paperwork is required.
On the subject: Real ID will become mandatory throughout the US: how to get this identity card
Most people will need at least four documents:
- birth certificate or passport;
- social security card or tax document with full social security number;
- two documents to prove your address: these may include your current driver's license or state ID, your vehicle registration, voter registration card, any government correspondence, bank statement or utility bill;
- if the name on your birth certificate no longer matches your current name, you will need proof of the name change. Certified marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court document showing name change.
Anyone with an International Marriage Certificate or one with no proof of a name change will need to complete an affidavit of name change and have it notarized. A name change affidavit will cost about $2 and only takes a few minutes to complete.
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For information on obtaining a REAL ID in your state, visit Department of Homeland Security website, find your state on the map and click on it. You will be redirected to the website of the official department of the state.
Not everyone will need a REAL ID from May 2023. For example, it is not needed for those who do not plan to fly anywhere or enter a military base, a federal courthouse, or a prison.
Those with a valid passport do not need a REAL ID. Children under 18 are not required to have a REAL ID to fly.
Keep in mind that it takes time to get a REAL ID, because the queues will only grow, so fill out applications in advance.
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