USCIS provides free interpreters to asylum seekers in the USA: the program was extended for another six months - ForumDaily
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USCIS provides free interpreters to US asylum seekers: program extended for another six months

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced an expansion of the Temporary Final Rule (TFR) that requires the use of an agency interpreter for some asylum interviews. This is stated in the press release. USCIS.

Photo: IStock

This rule extends the requirement until September 12, 2023. After this date, applicants who cannot be interviewed in English will have to provide their own interpreters.

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Under the TFR, some asylum applicants will use USCIS contract interpreters instead of their own. USCIS provides contract interpreters in 47 languages ​​listed on TFR website, at no additional cost to applicants.

This rule applies to asylum seekers who are already in the US and are on their way to an affirmative interview. USCIS will conduct an interview at a local office to review your asylum application. The interviewer will review the evidence provided with your application and ask many detailed questions about your application. If a refugee seeks asylum from outside the United States, then an interpreter is not provided to him.

In the event that the applicant does not speak English or any of the listed languages, he will be required to provide his own interpreter for the asylum interview.

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The TFR extension also retains the previous modification that, in limited circumstances, if a USCIS interpreter is not available, the asylum interview will either be rescheduled or the applicant will be allowed to bring their own interpreter.

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