You can live in the US for three years on an expired green card without losing your status
Effective September 10, 2024, US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will automatically extend the validity of permanent resident cards (aka green cards) to 36 months for lawful permanent residents who apply for a replacement permanent resident card (Form I-90), according to USCIS.
Lawful permanent residents who have properly filed a Form I-90 to renew an expiring or expired green card may receive this extension. Form I-90 receipt notices previously provided a 24-month extension of the green card.
USCIS has extended the green card validity for 36 months beyond the expiration date printed on the front of the current green card for individuals with a recently filed Form I-90 extension request. On September 10, USCIS began printing amended receipt notices for individuals with pending Form I-90s.
These receipt notices may be presented along with the expired green card as evidence of continued status and work authorization.
If you no longer have a green card and need proof of your lawful permanent resident status while you wait for a replacement green card, you may request an appointment at a USCIS field office by contacting the USCIS Contact Center. We may issue you an Alien Documentation, Identification, and Telecommunications (ADIT) stamp upon filing your Form I-90.
For more information, visit our page "Replacing the green card."
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