US military intercepts Russian and Chinese bombers near Alaska
Before US President Joe Biden's first speech since announcing his leaving the presidential race The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) said it sent fighter jets to intercept two Russian Tu-95 Bear and two Chinese H-6 bombers off the coast of Alaska, reports Fox News.
In a press release, the agency confirmed that on July 24 it detected, tracked and intercepted two Russian Tu-95s and two Chinese H-6s that were located in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). NORAD fighters from the United States and Canada intercepted.
This is the first time Russia and China have conducted joint bomber patrols off the coast of Alaska.
On the subject: World leaders congratulate Biden on victory, but Trump, Russia and China are silent
Ahead of Biden's Oval Office address, NORAD said it had scrambled fighter jets to intercept two Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers and two Chinese H-6 bombers off the coast of Alaska. The report came less than an hour before Biden was set to address the nation in his first public address since announcing he had withdrawn from the presidential election.
“The Russian and Chinese aircraft remained in international airspace and did not enter the sovereign airspace of the United States or Canada. Such Russian and Chinese activity in the Alaska ADIZ is not considered a threat, and NORAD will continue to monitor competitor activities near North America and respond appropriately to their presence,” the department said in a statement.
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It has not yet been established whether joint Russian-Chinese bomber patrols are related to Biden's speech.
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