The history of the spy: how Trump's ex-partner with Russian roots leaked CIA information about Russia
Ex-partner of US President Donald Trump Felix Seter collaborated with US intelligence agencies. He revealed the plan of assassination attempt on Bush Jr. and collected data on Russian oligarchs and terrorist groups. Writes about it RBC.
Former business partner of the President of the United States, Felix Seter, collaborated with American intelligence agencies: in particular, he provided them with information about Russian ballistic missile defense systems by penetrating a closed military facility.
Missile defense businessman
Felix Seter, who collaborated with Donald Trump on real estate projects, assisted US intelligence agencies, including providing information about Russia's armaments and its business elite. This follows from a letter sent to the New York District Court by lawyers from Morgan Lewis Law Firm, representing Seter's interests in the fraud and money laundering case. Morgan Lewis's letter is dated October 2009 of the year, but was only published on 23 of August 2019 of the year in the official list of court documents.
The fraud case was opened in 1998; in 2009, the businessman collaborating with the investigation received a mild sentence - a fine of $ 25 thousand. The court took into account his work for the special services.
The letter to Morgan Lewis indicates that while working in Russia in the late 1990s for the telecommunications firm AT&T, Sater began collaborating with the CIA, FBI and other secret agencies. This happened after he learned that the FBI was looking for him due to suspicions of fraud.
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According to the document, Seter assisted the United States in trying to acquire Russian missile defense systems. “An [US intelligence] officer asked Felix to help the United States buy a high-tech missile defense system from Russia. Using his Russian contacts, Felix entered a closed military facility in Russia where this system was located and passed on the information about it to the [US intelligence] officer, ”the letter said.
Neither the name of the system that the United States wanted to purchase, nor the details of Seter's penetration of the base in the letter, are given. Open sources did not report missile defense procurement transactions between Washington and Moscow.
In 1994, The New York Times (NYT) wrote about US purchases from Belarus of components for C-300 missile defense systems. For this purpose, the United States used intermediary companies. According to the newspaper, the Pentagon financed the deal, it was classified as secret.
The United States wanted to buy the C-300 to understand how technology can be used to improve American weapons, a retired US military said. In May of 2019, Defense Blog published satellite imagery in which C-300 was captured on one of the American training grounds.
It is known that the United States previously purchased C-300 from Belarus (in the 1990's) and Ukraine (in the 2000's), said Andrei Frolov, chief editor of the Export of Arms magazine. According to Frolov, it was impossible to take out missile defense systems directly from Russia even in the 1990 years. “Russian missile defense systems were stationary,” the expert noted. “In theory, Russia could buy some blueprints or, for example, universal systems like C-300В, which Belarusians just sold in the US and which have anti-missile capabilities.”
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The head of the Rosoboronexport press service, Vyacheslav Davidenko, said that from 2000 of the year to the present, there have been no applications from the United States for the purchase of Russian anti-aircraft missile systems at Rosoboronexport.
“If you purely hypothetically imagine that a spy would have entered the territory of a sensitive enterprise even in the 1990 years, it would be unlikely that he could have access to protected data, objects or objects,” a representative of Rosoboronexport said.
Fighting terrorism and money laundering
In a letter to Morgan Lewis, there are other episodes of Seter's cooperation with the American intelligence services: in particular, they talk about participation in operations to expose money-laundering schemes related to Russia. To this end, Seter allegedly organized meetings with participants in these schemes, criminals of Russian origin, in Cyprus and in Turkey. As a result, the FBI managed to uncover illegal withdrawal schemes, the document says.
In collaboration with American intelligence agencies, Seter also traveled to Central Asia. He provided the FBI and the CIA with information about the terrorist Osama bin Laden and the founder of the Taliban banned movement in Russia Mullah Omar, as well as about the activities of the al-Qaeda terrorist group banned in Russia.
Seter also passed on to intelligence services information on North Korea’s nuclear program and the situation in the Middle East. Finally, in 2000, the businessman provided the FBI with information about the impending assassination attempt on US President George W. Bush and Colin Powell, Secretary of State in 43-2001.
The source of the information received by Seter was a former KGB officer and arms dealer, indicated in another letter attached to the case against the businessman. The letter is dated August 2009 and written by Benton Campbell, who served as the attorney for the Eastern District of New York.
According to Campbell, from this source, Sater learned about bin Laden's personal data, including the likely numbers of his satellite phones. In addition, Seter was able to identify al-Qaida arms suppliers. According to Campbell, Seter also provided US services with information on the interests of Russian oligarchs in America and their links to organized crime.
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Who is Felix Seter
Felix Seter (birth name - Felix Sheferovsky) was born in 1966 in Moscow. When he was eight, the family moved to New York. Seter began his career on Wall Street, but in 25 he was convicted of a drunken brawl, sentenced to prison, and lost his license.
After leaving prison, Sater and his friends set up a state street brokerage firm. A fraud case was brought against her. Seter pleaded guilty and collaborated with the investigation. In 2009, he was sentenced to a fine of $ 25 thousand - the authorities showed him loyalty because of the help of special services.
Now Seter is engaged in entrepreneurial activity, real estate consulting. His development company, Bayrock, has leased an office at Trump Tower in New York. He and Trump had joint projects. Trump himself said that he "did not know so well" Seter.
Seter was mentioned in a report by Special Prosecutor Robert Muller about Russia's intervention in the US election of 2016. According to the report, in 2015, Seter tried to agree on a Trump Tower construction project in Moscow. In addition, he discussed the Trump Tower deal with co-owner of the Russian Genbank Evgeny Dvoskin. As a result, Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen was disappointed in Seter's ability to establish contacts with the Russian authorities and business elites, refusing to mediate him.
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