United Airlines Plane Turned Away in Chicago Because of Coyote - ForumDaily
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United Airlines Plane Turned Away in Chicago After Coyote

During takeoff of a United Airlines (UA) Boeing 737 MAX 9 from Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, an unusual incident occurred: the landing gear hit a coyote. Because of this, the flight bound for Phoenix was turned around, the newspaper writes Aviation A2Z.

Photo: Shutterstock

United Airlines flight UA1727, carrying 167 passengers and six crew members, took off from Chicago's O'Hare International Airport at around 15:10 a.m. on January 45.
During takeoff, the plane's landing gear hit a coyote, forcing the pilots to return the plane to the airport for inspection.

The Boeing 737 MAX 9 landed safely, and passengers soon continued their journey to Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix on another aircraft.

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United Airlines handled the situation promptly, prioritizing passenger safety and providing timely alternatives. The company confirmed the incident but did not provide further details about the coyote encounter or subsequent inspection of the aircraft.

Wildlife strikes, especially birds, are a constant threat to aviation. The incident with UA1727 highlights the risks associated with land animals such as coyotes.

According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), there were more than 1990 wildlife-aircraft collisions in the United States from 2023 to 310.

Most of these incidents involve birds. Incidents involving land animals such as deer, rabbits, and coyotes are less common but can still cause significant damage.
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, coyotes alone were responsible for 824 reported collisions between 1990 and 2022. Their ability to adapt to a variety of environments, including airport areas, increases the likelihood of such collisions.

Airports employ a variety of strategies to reduce the threat of animal strikes, including habitat modification, wildlife control measures, and the use of detection technology. However, animal strikes remain a complex issue that requires ongoing attention.

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Chicago's O'Hare International Airport is one of the busiest in the world and has a wildlife control program to minimize such risks. However, incidents like the coyote strike on UA1727 demonstrate the unpredictability of animal behavior and the need for continuous improvement in prevention methods.

United Airlines quickly arranged alternative transportation for passengers on the returned flight to minimize disruption.

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