14 unique and unusual beaches in the USA - ForumDaily
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14 unique and unusual beaches in the USA

Swimming spots with unusually colored sand, singing coastlines, and recreational areas strewn with giant stone "bowling balls" are just some of the most unique beaches in the United States. While most people prefer the pristine white sands of Florida or California, there are people who want to see something a little different. We bring to your attention fourteen stunning beaches for lovers of unique places. Perhaps a story about them will help you plan your next trip, the publication writes. Only in Your State.

1. Kaihalulu Beach, Hawaii

There are very few places in the world with red sand beaches. Did you know there is one in Hawaii? Kaihalulu Beach, located in Hana Bay on the Hawaiian island of Maui, is a rare natural wonder. The harsh rocky coastline, red sand and deep blue waters of the Pacific Ocean - all this creates a unique picture. However, there is one “but” - access to the beach is difficult. To get there, you need to overcome steep and rather dangerous descents, so not everyone can do it. But nothing prevents you from admiring photographs of this unique place.

Photo: iStock.com/LUCKOHNEN

2. Papakolea Beach, Hawaii

In Hawaii you can find not only red, but also green sandy beaches. Papakolea is located on the southern shore of the Big Island, in Mahana Bay. The green sand was formed by the collapse of the Pu'u Mahana cinder cone, and olivine crystals colored the coast green. This is truly an amazing sight, because there are only a few such beaches in the world. If you want to visit this unique coastline, we recommend choosing an organized tour.

Photo: iStock.com/Damien VERRIER

3. Singing Beach, Massachusetts

While Cape Cod is famous for its stunning beaches, Cape Ann also boasts some great vacation spots. One of them is Singing (or Sinning) Beach in Manchester-by-the-Sea. He is not only beautiful, but also has a unique feature - he “sings”. In fact, “singing” is more like a creaking noise caused by sand grains of a certain shape and size rubbing against each other. Come and see for yourself!

4. Bowling Ball Beach, California

Would you like to go bowling? You'll definitely want to do this after visiting the quaint Bowling Ball Beach in Port Arena, California. On the Mendocino coast, in the beach area of ​​Schooner Gulch State Park, you'll find round rock formations that are exposed at low tide. Yes, they really do look like bowling balls! There is a small parking lot not far from the beach, but then you have to go down to the sea along a short but rather steep path.

Photo: iStock.com/s_gibson

5. Secret Beach, Oregon

Located in the beautiful Samuel H. Boardman Corridor Natural Park in Brookings, the secret beach is worth finding. This hidden treasure is awe-inspiring with its rock formations rising above the water. The best time to visit this secluded beach is during low tide, when it is especially beautiful. The route to the beach is described here.

6. Glass Beach, California

This amazing place is located in McKerricher State Park at Fort Bragg. In the middle of the last century, residents of Fort Bragg used this area as a landfill. After it was cleaned in 1967, pieces of glass and ceramics polished by sea water remained on the beach. Glass colored pebbles make the coast unique, and it’s worth a look.

Photo: iStock.com/Chris Domingo

7. Iona's Beach, Minnesota

It's not just the coasts or Hawaii that have spectacular beaches. Many excellent swimming areas can be found inland. One of them is Iona Beach on the north shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota. Its proper name is Iona Beach Natural and Scientific Area, which is known for its pink rhyolite sand. The pink coastal strip extends 300 yards (274 meters). The combination of the pink embankment and the blue water of the lake is an incredibly beautiful sight!

8. Black Sand Beach, Alaska

Black sand coastlines are usually associated with Iceland or Greece, but there are such swimming areas in the USA too! Black Sand Beach is located in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Surrounded by impressive mountains and glaciers, it is popular for camping and kayaking. This beach is small, only a quarter mile (402 meters) long, but its dark sand set against a backdrop of glaciers makes the perfect backdrop for adventure, and Alaska has plenty of it!

9. Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida

Welcome to Dry Tortugas National Park! Located 70 miles (113 km) west of Key West, it covers 100 square miles (260 sq km) of mostly water. However, there are seven small islands, coral reefs, a historical fort and, of course, beaches. Access to the park is only possible by boat or seaplane. For those wishing to stay overnight, there is a campground on Garden Key, where Fort Jefferson is located.

Photo: iStock.com/Jeffrey K Collins

10. Assateague Island, Maryland

Would you like to see wild horses in their natural habitat? At 37 miles (60 km) long, Assateague Island is a place where you can spot wild horses roaming freely along the beaches and inland areas. You are not allowed to get close to the animals, but you can admire them from a safe distance. Most of this barrier island is in Maryland, with the southern portion in Virginia. Camping is allowed on the island, and wild horses may be able to visit your campsite.

11. Cumberland Island, Georgia

Maryland isn't the only place on the East Coast where you can spot wild horses on the beach. Head a little further south to Cumberland Island in Georgia and you'll find a population of wild horses. Southern, the state's largest barrier island. It was once a working plantation, then a winter retreat for the Carnegie family, and became a national park in 1972. In addition to wild horses, the park's 36 acres (000 hectares) feature pristine beaches, wetlands and forests. This is one of the best places in the state to find shells. Access to the island is only possible by passenger ferry or private boat.

Photo: iStock.com/Posnov

12. Schoolhouse Beach, Wisconsin

Another swimming area on the lake is Schoolhouse Beach in Wisconsin. It can be compared to a tropical paradise in the Midwest. Crystal clear water and a coastline made of limestone stones - there are few such beaches in the world. You'll find it in Washington Harbor on Lake Michigan.

13. Lake McDonald, Montana

The largest lake in Glacier National Park is known for its colorful rocks along the shore. It's no surprise that this is the most popular body of water in the park. The rocks look especially vibrant in shallow water, so be sure to bring your camera for some incredible shots of this unique Montana beach!

Photo: iStock.com/Loren R Miller Photography

14. Driftwood Beach, South Carolina

The Driftwood Coast at Botany Bay Preserve on Edisto Island is a stunning, incredibly tranquil stretch of beach with beautiful shells, tree trunks and branches scattered scenically across the sand in the most beautiful way.

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