Destroys the tumor: a popular seasoning can give hope in the fight against cancer
According to a scientific review, a compound found in turmeric could open up new cancer control methods, writes Daily Mail.
Researchers say the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of turmeric mean that the plant can stop the development of tumors.
Scientists analyzed nearly 5000 studies and found that turmeric blocked the growth of eight types of cancer in the laboratory.
The results showed that it is effective in the treatment of cancer of the breast, lungs, blood, stomach, pancreas, intestines, bone marrow and prostate.
Scientists at Temple University in Philadelphia say curcumin prevents the delivery of nutrients to tumors. It also prevents the death of healthy cells by blocking cancer cells from releasing harmful proteins.
Scientists have concluded that curcumin (a pigment in turmeric that gives it color) can "represent an effective drug for treating cancer alone or in combination with other agents." It is widely used in eastern medicine and has been studied for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.
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Temple University scientists hope their findings will trigger more clinical research into the effects of curcumin on cancer.
The therapeutic benefits of the spice have been shown in multiple chronic diseases, including high blood pressure and liver disease. Some experiments have also shown that it can help speed recovery after surgery, as well as cure arthritis.
As part of a recent review, researchers led by Dr. Antonio Giordano, a pathologist from Temple, studied curcumin studies published since 1924. They found 12 articles about the compound, but reduced them to 595, which specifically examined its effect on cancer.
In an article published in Nutrients magazine, the authors argue: “The search for new effective drugs that can fight cancer is still a problem for many scientists. Natural organisms (e.g. plants, bacteria, fungi) provide many active molecules that can be used in medicine to treat many diseases. As reported in this review, curcumin exhibits antitumor activity by acting on a variety of cellular signaling pathways, including growth factors, [nutrient transport and the destruction of healthy cells]. ”
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However, they warn that this is not a miracle cure, as previous studies have shown that curcumin causes a number of side effects, including diarrhea, vomiting, and headaches.
Curcumin is also poorly absorbed by the body, which limits its effectiveness in treating cancer.
A spokeswoman for the British Cancer Research Agency said: “There is some evidence that curcumin, a substance in turmeric, can kill cancer cells in some cancers. But we need more research.
It seems to be capable of killing cancer cells and inhibiting their growth. It has the best effects on breast cancer, bowel cancer, stomach cancer, and skin cancer cells.
"There is currently no clear evidence that turmeric or curcumin can prevent or treat cancer."
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