Ukrainka decorated one of the largest airports in the United States
A Ukrainian woman decorated the International Airport in Houston, Texas, with large paper flower decorations. Now the airport has 8 walls with unusual decorations in four terminals, writes “Voice of America«.
Kristina Balushka designed the installations so that they simultaneously served as showcases.
For compositions, she created 1000 flowers and 1500 leaves, working all month without days off. Realizing that she could not cope alone, Christina hired assistants. Setting the scenery took 3 of the day.
The customer was so pleased with the end result that he wanted to continue to engage Christina in his projects, and he was also considering the possibility of ordering flowers on the stems for restaurants at the New York airport.
Kristina Balushka is a Ukrainian immigrant who, at the age of 24, moved to the United States to realize her childhood dream of becoming a clothing designer, and having achieved it, gave up everything, realizing that she had found her true calling in another activity - decorating with paper flowers.
Now, after six years of the company's existence in Houston, Texas, a Ukrainian is entering the international market, with a branch in Dubai and clients all over the world. Exquisite walls of delicate paper flowers adorn the windows of popular stores, music festivals, galleries, special events and people's homes. Balushki collaborates with New York Fashion Week and famous companies such as Macy's, Lord & Taylor and Vera Bradley.
The incredible success story of Christina Balushka and her brand “Balushka: the art of paper flowers” can be read on link.
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