UNESCO recognized Ukrainian pysankas as cultural heritage of humanity - ForumDaily
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UNESCO has recognized Ukrainian pysanky as a cultural heritage of humanity

The Ukrainian tradition and art of decorating eggs was recognized as the cultural heritage of humanity at the 19th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee on Intangible Cultural Heritage, reports Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine.

Photo: Photocell | Dreamstime.com

The UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee meeting was held in Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay. The first international element from Ukraine, "Pysanka: Ukrainian Tradition and Art of Decorating Eggs", was included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

This achievement was made possible thanks to the cooperation of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine to UNESCO, and public organizations.

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Minister of Culture Mykola Tochytsky noted that this recognition, despite the devastating consequences of the war, symbolizes the strength of Ukraine’s national identity and its contribution to world culture.

"This is our common success, which speaks of the strength of our unity. At the same time, the aggressor is destroying our culture, monuments, theaters, libraries, museums. Our artists, the bearers of living heritage, are dying in the fight for our homeland. Their loss undermines the very heart of our identity. Without people, there is no living heritage. We prove that even in the darkest times, we remain resilient. The inclusion of the Ukrainian pysanka in the UNESCO list is proof of this."

Work on the nomination began in 2017 with the help of the Ukrainian community in Estonia, and the project is based on three elements. Two of them have already been included in the National List of Intangible Heritage of Ukraine - "Ukrainian Pysanka: Tradition and Art", which unites communities from all regions of Ukraine and "Traditions of the Hutsul Pysanka". Another element - "Ukrainian Pysanka, Tradition and Art of Decorating Easter Eggs" - is included in the List of Intangible Heritage of Estonia.

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The tradition of giving pysankas plays a key role in Ukrainian culture, whether it is connected to the church or not. Personal wishes and messages are recorded in the symbols on the pysankas. The patterns on them are not random - each motif has its own meaning, and this makes the pysankas unique.

Today, the Representative List of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity contains 611 elements, corresponding to 5 regions and 140 states parties to the Convention. From Ukraine, the Petrykivka decorative painting, Kosovo painted ceramics and the Crimean Tatar ornament Ornek are included in this list.

Ukraine UNESCO At home cultural traditions
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