Ukraine received the first batch of F-16 fighters: how will this affect the course of the war - ForumDaily
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Ukraine received the first batch of F-16 fighters: how will this affect the course of the war

The first batch of long-awaited F-16 fighter jets has arrived in Ukraine, the Lithuanian Foreign Minister and a US official announced on July 31. Such assistance, according to Kyiv, will contribute to the restoration of the country's air force, writes Global News.

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F-16s made by Lockheed Martin have long been on Ukraine's weapons wish list due to their destructive power and widespread availability among NATO countries. The fighters are equipped with a 20mm cannon and can carry bombs and missiles.

“F-16 in Ukraine. Another impossible thing turned out to be completely possible,” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis wrote on the social network X, formerly known as Twitter.

One US official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the delivery had been completed.

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According to The Times, we are talking about the first six aircraft that were delivered to Ukraine from the Netherlands. Several more fighters will soon arrive from Denmark.

Earlier, The New York Times wrote that by the end of 2024, the Ukrainian Air Force will be able to use about ten F-16 aircraft in combat missions.

Denmark has pledged to donate a total of 19 fighters, while the Netherlands has pledged 24 aircraft. Both countries were the driving forces behind the international coalition to supply F-16s to Ukraine. Norway is also ready to provide Ukraine with six such fighters.

Pilots and ground staff received training from Ukraine’s Western partners for several months.

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Previously, the Ukrainian army was forced to rely on a relatively small fleet of Soviet-era aircraft in an attempt to hold off a full-scale Russian invasion. Ukrainian officials believe F-16 fighters will significantly strengthen the air force, but argue that F-16s alone will not be able to turn the tide of the war.

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