Ukrainians in the United States have launched an application map with the nearest discounts and promotions - ForumDaily
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Ukrainians in the United States launched an application card with the next discounts and promotions

Codesmart, created by Ukrainian developers in San Francisco, has launched an application Inby. This is an aggregator of discounts, promotions and applications, which sorts and updates them using a special neural network and maps them. The application is already available in Google Play и App Store. So far, the application has been downloaded about a thousand times in the Ukrainian segment of stores, but the team intends to develop the project not only in Ukraine, but also in the USA.

The application determines your location on the map and tells you in which nearest outlets there are available promotions and sales. When you click on the points you can find out the details and conditions of the discount programs.

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The initiator of the creation of the application was Katya Kuzmenko, whose background was never associated with IT. And it turned out like this. Two and a half years ago, she married an IT specialist and moved to Kharkov. Having given birth to a child and often walking with a stroller, the girl discovered a large number of establishments, shops and retail outlets, about which it was almost impossible to read on the Internet.

“Is it really necessary to have a baby in order to know about everything that happens next to us?” Thought Katya and suggested to her husband, who works at Codesmart, to create a new application. It is possible to collect all the information about discounts in the nearest establishments and link this data to geolocation.

“We collected objects from Google maps, launched mining profiles in social networks (the object data contains the site, we find links to VKontakte and Facebook on the site). Then we collect posts from profiles in social networks and run through a neural network to eliminate spam, ”Katerina explains the essence of the technology. The development of a neural network has taken the lion's share of working time. 58 people who sorted more than 100 000 messages worked on her training.

Having collected data on points, the technology collects several messages from accounts in social networks. The system processes from one to one and a half million messages per day. After this, messages are filtered by the neural network for the presence of information about promotions, discounts, sales and new offers. Thus, 90% of messages are sent to the garbage, and the rest become the base for Inby.

Now in the system Inby 132 cities: 88 in Russia, 43 in Ukraine and one in Belarus. Work on the app since October 2014. The plans - access to the American market. One of the team’s main checkpoints is Black Friday, a discount day before Christmas, during which Americans buy a huge amount of gifts. According to Kuzmenko, the project team is currently processing 320 settlements in America.

The business model of the application will be based on subscriptions for business. “Now all messages in the system are the same. A paid subscription will provide an opportunity to highlight your message among the collected automatically, publish messages instantly, get access to statistics, provide an opportunity to communicate with users who subscribe to the site and a number of other benefits, ”explains Katya.

Previously, "Forum" wrote that another Ukrainian startup Petcube subdued Silicon Valley. Petcube Gadget Allows pet owners remotely monitor their pets, and communicate and play with them using a smartphone.

In the U.S. stock proposal discounts application service
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