Ukrainian, posing as a schoolboy, passed the "guardians" - ForumDaily
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Ukrainian, posing as a student, passed the "guardians"

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The details of the arrest of 23-year-old Ukrainian Arthur Samarin, who pretended to be a senior student at Harrisburg High School Asher Potts in Pennsylvania, have become known. Samarin-Potts was arrested last week for falsifying documents and assigning other people's personal data.

On Wednesday, the Potts family, which sheltered Samarin in 2012, told reporters that they had informed the police about the suspicious behavior of their ward. Samarin's "guardians" were frightened that he could arrange school shooting or attack his classmates. “He constantly said that he intended to deal with his teachers and some classmates. He said that he would start shooting or explode everything, ”Stephanie Potts told reporters.

According to Potts, they appealed to the FBI last November and it was then that the authorities became interested in this unusual student. The investigation, as already mentioned, ended February 23 with the arrest of a pseudo-schoolboy.

Chet Potts met Samarin in 2012, when he arrived in Harrisburg with a group of Ukrainian students in a study and work program. Students settled in the complex Townhouse Apartments, where rented an apartment and the Potts family. Then Samarin complained to his new acquaintances that fellow practitioners who arrived in the United States constantly beat him.

Samarin was then working part-time at the Red Robin chain eatery. “At first I thought he was 18,” Stephanie recalls, “but he insisted he was only 14.”

The complaints of the “little Ukrainian” made an impression on Americans, and in the fall of 2012, Stephanie took him to school and wrote down under the coined name of Asher Potts. She argues that the documents for registration of a new student is not required.

She admitted that she understood: Samarin is in the country illegally. True, she was going to make his status when he was 18 years old.

“I still can’t believe he’s already 23,” she told reporters, “we’ve seen him grow, how the sizes of his clothes and shoes increase, how his voice and manner of speaking change. He acted like a real teenager. And if he had not become aggressive, everything would probably have been different.”

Lawyer Alam Klein, representing the interests of Samarin, called Stephanie Potts's allegations a lie. According to him, nothing in the biography of his client indicates his aggression and desire for violence. On the contrary, he was an exemplary student and actively participated in public life.

“She is now trying to portray herself as a victim of deception,” he said, “but her criminal record tells a different story.”

So far, the Potts couple have not been charged.

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