Ukraine first appealed to the United States with a request to purchase military equipment - ForumDaily
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Ukraine first appealed to the United States with a request to purchase military equipment.

For the first time, a request was made for the purchase of military equipment through the sale program of the US Department of Defense.

Фото: Depositphotos

Washington is considering a request from Ukraine for the purchase of military equipment. This was announced by US Chargé d'Affaires in Ukraine, William Taylor, reports on Twitter the American Embassy.

“I am pleased to announce that Ukraine has made a request for the first time to purchase military equipment through the US Department of Defense sales program. We are beginning the process of reviewing this request. The United States stands firmly in support of Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and reform of its defense sector,” Taylor said.

Photo: Twitter screenshot

The message does not indicate what kind of military equipment Ukraine wants in the United States.

Earlier, the head of the supervisory board of the Ukrainian Institute for Security Studies, academician Vladimir Gorbulin, expressed the opinion that in the present conditions Ukraine is not enough to be armed Army portable anti-tank missile systems Javelin, we also need Patriot anti-missile systems.

Last year usa sold Ukraine anti-tank missile systems Javelin, to help her in the fight against the separatists, supported by Russia.

Prior to that, the United States provided Ukraine only assistance with non-lethal weapons.

In November, Russia fired at three Ukrainian ships that tried to pass through the Kerch Strait, connecting the Sea of ​​Azov with the Black. Several crew members were injured, and the ships were captured. 24 Ukrainian sailors were arrested, and since then Russian courts have repeatedly extended their arrest.

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