Tourists get lost in California and commit suicide in order not to die of hunger - ForumDaily
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Tourists lost their way in California and committed suicide in order not to starve.

Photo: National Park Service

Two tourists who were found dead in Joshua Tree National Park, may have committed suicide in order not to die of hunger, say investigators.

According to NY Post22-year-old Joseph Orbeso and his friend 20-year-old Rachel Nguyen were dead and had gunshot wounds when they were found in the desert last week.

The couple disappeared three months ago when she didn’t confirm her booking. airbnb 28 July, the birthday of Nguyen. They fought for life to the last, until they began to starve. Embracing, the couple mutually decided to die: Orbezo shot Nguyen, then turned the gun and shot himself to put an end to the torment.

“Because we don't have any evidence as to why this happened, we can only speculate,” said San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department spokeswoman Cindy Bachman. “We know that they limited themselves in food, had no water and sought shade, of course, all this sheds light on the obviously dire circumstances.”

The family of the young woman said that they do not hold offense to the Orbezo act.

“We offer our sincere condolences and prayers to the Orbezo family,” the statement said. “We thank God that we will be able to bury Rachel and put her soul to rest.”

Joseph had a gun with him, as he worked as a security guard. This was told by his friend Austin Young. He added that Orbezo and Nguyen met, but were friends when they went camping.

“He was never aggressive. It seems he took the weapon for protection,” the friend added.

Father Orbezo Gilbert found the bodies last week during a search operation.

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