Trump promises to sign 200 decrees on the first day of work: what will they affect - ForumDaily
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Trump promises to sign 200 executive orders on his first day in office: what will they affect

President-elect Trump will sign more than 200 executive orders on Inauguration Day, reports Fox NewsThey will touch on border security, energy, reducing the cost of living for American families, as well as the repeal of DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) programs and other aspects of Trump's policy priorities.

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A senior administration official familiar with the planned orders said Trump would end the Catch and Release program and suspend all offshore wind leases on Day 1. He would repeal the electric vehicle mandate, dismantle the Green New Deal, withdraw from the Paris climate agreement and take steps to strengthen presidential control over the federal bureaucracy.

(Catch and Release is the practice of releasing detained migrants. Once the decree is signed, they will either remain in custody or, if possible, be immediately deported. But this requires building additional detention centers for illegal immigrants and increasing the staff. – Approx. Ed.)

The suspension of permits for offshore wind farms is a move against offshore wind power. Trump has criticized wind power as an unreliable source of energy and believes that offshore wind farms harm marine ecology and fisheries.

Repealing the EV mandate would eliminate mandatory requirements or incentives for EVs put in place under Biden. Trump, citing economic benefits and protecting jobs in the traditional auto industry, could reintroduce or promote internal combustion engine vehicles.

(The Green New Deal is a climate-change-focused effort that includes initiatives to reduce carbon emissions and shift to renewable energy, as well as environmental regulations. Trump says they are too costly and harmful to the economy. – Approx. Ed.)

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Trump is expected to sign several comprehensive executive orders, each containing dozens of key measures.

"The President will issue a historic series of executive orders that will fundamentally reform the American government, including the full and unconditional restoration of American sovereignty," a Fox News Digital spokesperson said.

On his first day in office, Trump will declare a border emergency; direct the U.S. military, in conjunction with the Department of Homeland Security, to fully secure the southern border; and make it a national priority to dismantle all criminal cartels operating in the United States.

According to Fox News Digital, the 47th president will close the border to all illegal immigrants.

Among other things, he will create national security task forces that will include the FBI, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), CEA (Council of Economic Advisers), and other agencies to completely eradicate the presence of criminal cartels in the United States.

Trump will order cartels to be designated as foreign terrorist organizations, a move that a spokesman said would provide new authority to advance Trump's national security goals.

The president-elect will renew the “Remain in Mexico” policy and direct the military to build a new section of border wall. He will grant emergency powers to halt the entry of illegal immigrants across the southwest border, allowing for the rapid return of those apprehended to their countries of origin.

Trump will "fully unleash" Alaska's energy, which the spokesman described as a critical component of U.S. national security.

A senior official told Fox News Digital that the energy order would cover all aspects of energy policy, including natural gas production, ports, fracking, pipelines, licensing and more, and would reverse President Biden's policies that the spokesman said had limited U.S. energy resources.

Trump will also completely overhaul the federal bureaucracy, restoring presidential control over permanent federal employees. He has made it clear that government employees can be fired for failing to comply with these decisions.

Trump will sign an executive order to increase presidential oversight of senior government officials and implement a new merit-based hiring system. He will also take steps to return federal employees to in-person work.

An administration official said Trump would end the "weaponization of the federal government," "restore free speech" and "end federal censorship."

On the first day of his second term, Trump will suspend the security clearances of 51 national security officials who "lied" about Hunter Biden's laptop before the 2020 presidential election.

(In September 2020, a Delaware computer store reported to the media that it had been given a laptop owned by Hunter Biden. Subsequently, incriminating materials were released, including emails that allegedly showed Hunter Biden’s corrupt ties to foreign companies, including Ukraine’s Burisma, where Biden allegedly held a high position and where his father, then vice president, had meddled in Ukraine.

In response to these reports, in October 2020, 51 former intelligence officials, including former CIA and FBI officials, signed a letter arguing that the materials on the laptop may be Russian disinformation and that their release may be directly part of Russia’s efforts to interfere in the election. The letter raised questions about the credibility of information leaked to the press and heightened tensions during the election period.

Then-President Donald Trump was highly critical of Biden and his son. He and his supporters argued that Biden had used his position for personal gain on the international stage and that the "laptop case" should be examined in the context of abuses of power. - Approx. Ed.)

Trump is expected to introduce a definition of biological sex; rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America; and take other similar steps.

Specifically, on day one, he will repeal all Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs within the federal government.

He will also create a new Department of Management Efficiency, imposing a hiring freeze, and, an administration official said, establish controls over foreign aid and NGO funding.

(A hiring freeze is a temporary suspension of new federal hiring for a specified period of time. This decision is often made to reduce spending on government programs, especially in times of economic instability, crisis, or fiscal constraints.

NGOs, independent nonprofit organizations, could also be subject to scrutiny in this context. Most likely, this would involve funding NGOs through federal programs or grants. If the Trump administration focuses on limiting NGO funding, this could include limiting federal grants or budgets for projects supported by nonprofits and revising funding approaches that would control or stop support for certain NGOs based on their political, social, or environmental goals. – Approx. Ed.)

"He is reasserting strong control over the executive branch of the US government," a source told Fox News Digital.

As part of his push to reduce costs for American families, Trump will sign a presidential memorandum that will direct all agencies and departments to reverse federal actions that raise costs for families and consumers, in what the source said would be a “historic deregulatory effort.”

“This is a massive, unprecedented, and unparalleled first wave,” a source told Fox News Digital. “There will be a lot of new initiatives after this to continue America’s recovery.”

He noted: "This is the most extensive list of executive actions in U.S. history, guided entirely by the idea of ​​fulfilling campaign promises. Everything that voters voted for is embodied in executive policy."

"There is a huge federal bureaucracy that has been advancing its agenda at the expense of the American people — and President Trump is taking command by declaring that government officials will serve only the American people," the source said. "This is about ending corruption and abuse and returning government to its core responsibilities to the citizens."

Trump's new administration officials said the overall theme of his first day was "promises made, promises kept."

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“Once President Trump places his hand on the Bible and takes the oath of allegiance to the United States Constitution, America’s golden age will begin,” White House press secretary Caroline Levitt said. “Americans will have a leader who will deliver on his promise to restore our nation to greatness.”

On January 19, the newly elected president previewed one of the decrees that will be signed on the first day of his second term. It concerns the popular TikTok app, which has been disabled in the United States in accordance with a Supreme Court ruling.

Trump said he would sign an executive order that would “extend the law to allow us to negotiate a deal to protect our national security.” According to the 47th president, “no company that helped keep TikTok accessible prior to my order will be held accountable.”

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