'I don't want to hurt Russia': Trump gives Putin an ultimatum - ForumDaily
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'I don't want to hurt Russia': Trump gives Putin an ultimatum

Donald Trump has warned that he will impose high tariffs and additional sanctions on Russia if Vladimir Putin does not end the war in Ukraine, reports Air force.

Photo: L9871456 | Dreamstime.com

In a post published on the social network Truth, Trump wrote that by insisting on ending the war, he was doing Russia and its president “a very big favor.”

Trump previously said he would negotiate in one day to resolve Russia's full-scale invasion, which began in February 2022.

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Russia has not yet responded to the comments, but senior officials have suggested in recent days that Moscow has a small window of opportunity to engage with the new U.S. administration.

Putin has repeatedly said that he is ready to negotiate an end to the war he started in 2014, but Ukraine will have to come to terms with the reality of Russia's territorial gains, which currently make up about 20% of Ukraine's territory. He is also categorically against Ukraine joining NATO.

Kyiv does not want to give up its territories, although President Volodymyr Zelensky has acknowledged that he may have to temporarily cede some of the lands currently occupied.

On January 21, Trump said at a press conference that he would talk to Putin "very soon" and that it "looks like" he would impose more sanctions if the Russian leader did not come to the negotiating table.

But in a post on Truth on January 22, he went further:

"I am going to do Russia, whose economy is collapsing, and President Putin a very big FAVOR," he wrote.

"Calm down now and STOP this ridiculous war! IT'S ONLY GETTING WORSE. If we don't make a 'deal' soon, I will have no choice but to impose heavy taxes, tariffs and sanctions on everything Russia sells to the United States and various other participating countries."

"Let's end this war that would never have started if I were President! We can do it the easy way or the hard way - and the easy way is always better. It's time to 'MAKE A DEAL'."

Russia's deputy UN ambassador Dmitry Polyansky previously told Reuters the Kremlin needed to know what Trump wanted from a deal to end the war before it acted.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on January 21 at the World Economic Forum in Davos that any agreement would require at least 200 peacekeepers.

He told Bloomberg that any peacekeeping force for his country would have to include US troops to create a realistic deterrent to Russia.

"It is impossible without the United States... Even if some European friends think it is possible," he said, noting that no country would risk taking such a step without the United States.

While Ukraine's leaders may appreciate Trump's tougher language (they have always said that Putin understands only force), the initial reaction in Kyiv to the US president's comments suggests that people want action, not words.

Trump has not specified what additional economic sanctions might target or when they would be imposed. U.S. imports from Russia have fallen sharply since 2022, and all sorts of tough restrictions are already in place.

Currently, Russia's main exports to the United States are phosphate-based fertilizers and platinum.

On social media, Ukrainians reacted to the sanctions in general harshly. Many suggested that the increased sanctions were a weak response to Russian aggression. But the biggest question for most is what Putin is actually willing to negotiate with Ukraine in peace talks.

In Moscow, meanwhile, some see signs that the Kremlin may be preparing Russians to accept a lesser “victory” than the earlier plan, when Russian citizens were promised Russian tanks in Odessa and “Kyiv in three days.” Putin’s propagandist Margarita Simonyan has begun talking about “realistic” conditions for ending the war, which she believes could include an end to fighting along the current front line.

This would mean that Russia would gain four Ukrainian regions that Putin illegally declared Russian territory more than two years ago.

Russian hardliners, the so-called Z bloggers, are furious at this "defeatism."

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In his social media post, before threatening tough sanctions, Trump professed his “love” for the Russian people and emphasized his respect for Russia, which fought in World War II and suffered losses. It must be said that Trump greatly overestimated the numbers of Russian casualties, apparently thinking that the USSR was only Russia. In fact, millions of Ukrainians and other Soviet citizens died in World War II.

However, the man who previously said he could “understand” Russia’s concerns about Ukraine joining NATO (which, for Kyiv, is tantamount to saying Putin was provoked) appears to be changing his tune.

Trump's position matters. But after 11 years of war with Russia and a history of failed peace agreements (referring to the Minsk agreements. – Approx. Ed.) Ukrainians are not inclined to hope too much that Trump will quickly stop the war.

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In the U.S. Donald Trump Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin World war in Ukraine
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