Trump says he is ready to meet Putin 'immediately' - ForumDaily
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Trump says he is ready to meet Putin 'immediately'

US President Donald Trump on January 23 said he wanted to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin as soon as possible to end the war in Ukraine. Trump also expressed his intention to work on reducing nuclear weapons, reports Reuters.

During the campaign, Trump repeatedly claimed he could end the war in Ukraine on his first day in office, if not sooner. But his advisers acknowledge that it could take months to resolve the conflict.

“I would really like to meet with President Putin soon to stop this war,” Trump said via video link at the World Economic Forum in Davos. “And it’s not for the economy or anything else. It’s for the millions of lives that are being destroyed… It’s a massacre. We really have to stop this war.”

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Later at the White House, Trump told reporters that he was ready to talk to Putin as soon as possible to end what the 47th US president called a “ridiculous war.”

"Putin reportedly wants to meet with me, and we will go as soon as possible. I would not delay the meeting," Trump said. "Every day we delay is a day that a soldier dies on the battlefield."

According to him, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky informed him of his readiness to conclude an agreement to end the war.

Trump told Davos forum participants that the United States had already made efforts to achieve a peaceful settlement, but did not provide details.

Earlier this week, Trump threatened to impose "high levels" of sanctions on Russia, as well as tariffs on imports, if Moscow did not reach a deal.

Speaking at the forum on January 23, he expressed his willingness to work on nuclear reductions and noted that he believed Russia and China could support reductions in their own arsenals.

"We would like to see nuclear disarmament... And I can tell you that President Putin has been very positive about the idea of ​​a significant reduction in the nuclear arsenal. I think the rest of the world would join in, including China," Trump said.

Putin has threatened to use nuclear weapons in a war against Ukraine. He is modernizing his nuclear forces and has abandoned talks with Washington on replacing the New START treaty, the last arms control agreement between the U.S. and Russia that expires on Feb. 5, 2026.

In November, U.S. officials said Putin was maintaining compliance with the treaty's limits despite Russia's suspension in 2023. The treaty limits each side's deployment of 1550 strategic nuclear warheads on 700 intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarines and bombers.

What they say in Moscow

With President Donald Trump expected to speak to Russian President Vladimir Putin by phone in the coming days, Russian officials are taking a hard line on the war in Ukraine, with no immediate breakthrough in relations with the US, writes The Washington Post.

“The conditions for ending the war will not be ripe in the spring,” concluded Sergei Markov, a pro-Kremlin analyst. “But by the fall, when Trump cuts funding and the Russian military makes progress, better political conditions may emerge.”

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on January 22 that Moscow sees a small window of opportunity to strike deals with the Trump administration. But many influential voices in Russia argue that such deals must involve major changes to Europe’s security system and the partition of Ukraine.

Nikolai Patrushev, the former head of Russia's Security Council, suggested in a recent interview with the pro-Kremlin newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda that Ukraine and neighboring Moldova could cease to exist by the end of the year.

For Patrushev, there is no other way: either Ukraine capitulates and accepts all demands, or it falls apart, said independent analyst Tatyana Stanovaya from the R.Politik analytical agency, based in France.

She believes that Patrushev and other hard-liners represent an influential part of the Russian political elite, but the final decision on the deal with Trump will be made only by Putin.

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According to Tatyana Stanovaya, the maximalist demands voiced by the Kremlin “hawks” indicate Putin’s readiness to continue the war if he does not get his way from Trump.

Sergei Markov expressed hope that the phone call between Trump and Putin would unblock dialogue between Moscow and Washington, create a working group on Ukraine and pave the way for a summit.

“At this meeting they will not be able to reach a compromise on Ukraine, but they will find a compromise on other issues,” he summed up.

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