Trump Appoints Sylvester Stallone and Mel Gibson as Ambassadors to Hollywood: What Will They Do - ForumDaily
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Trump Appoints Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson as Hollywood Ambassadors: What They Will Do

On January 16, President-elect Donald Trump announced the appointment of three special ambassadors whose goal is to support business in Hollywood. They are famous actors Jon Voight, Mel Gibson and Sylvester Stallone, reports Fox News.

Photo: Danielschreurs |

“I am honored to announce that Jon Voight, Mel Gibson, and Sylvester Stallone will be Special Ambassadors for a great but troubled place, Hollywood, California,” Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform. “They will serve as my Special Representatives to make Hollywood, which has suffered business losses to other countries over the last four years, BIGGER, BETTER, AND STRONGER THAN EVER BEFORE!”

He assured: "These three incredibly talented people will be my eyes and ears, and I will do what they suggest. This time will again become, like the United States of America itself, the Golden Age of Hollywood!"

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Last November, Stallone, 78, introduced the 47th president at the America First Policy Institute's gala and called Trump "the next George Washington."
"We are in the presence of a truly mythical figure. No one in the world could have done what he did, so I am amazed," the actor said. "When George Washington defended his country, he had no idea that he would change the world. We have a second George Washington. Congratulations!"

Gibson, 2024, also endorsed Trump in the 69 election and taunted Vice President Kamala Harris. When asked about the presidential race, the iconic Braveheart actor replied: “I don’t think anyone will be surprised by my vote.”

"I know what will happen if we let her in," Gibson said, referring to Harris. "Nothing good. Terrible record, just awful, no policy at all, and the intellect of a fence post."

The Mad Max actor admitted he was "surprised" by his new position, but is ready to help the Trump administration.

"I received this message along with you and was equally surprised," Gibson said in a statement to Fox News Digital. "Nevertheless, the challenge is accepted. It is my duty as a citizen to provide any assistance and advice I can. I wonder if the ambassadorship includes a residence?"

The renowned conservative actor and longtime Trump supporter once called him "the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln."

“Don’t be fooled by the political left,” Voight urged in a statement posted on Platform X in 2019. “Let’s support our president. Trump is the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln. God bless America.”

That same year, the actor who played the father of the main character in the series "Ray Donovan" became the first recipient of the prestigious National Medal of Arts. (The National Medal of Arts is the highest state award in the United States, which is awarded for outstanding achievements in the arts. It was established by Congress in 1984 and is awarded annually by the National Endowment for the Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, on behalf of the President of the United States. – Approx. Ed.)

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In a statement to Fox News Digital, Voight noted the "slow decline" of Hollywood in recent years.

"I'm old enough to have lived through the Golden Age of Hollywood, and I've seen it slowly crumble," he said. "We're in a pretty bad place today. Very few movies are made here anymore, but we're lucky to have a president-elect who wants to restore Hollywood to its former glory, and with his help, I feel like we can do it.

Now, after all these terrible fires, our spirit is broken, but we are strong. We will help each other and recover."

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