Trump and Harris have agreed on the debate: it will be held on September 10 - ForumDaily
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Trump and Harris have agreed on the debate: it will take place on September 10

45th President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris have agreed to debate for September 10. They will be held by ABC News, both presidential candidates announced on August 8, reports CNBC.

Photo: Shutterstock

Trump floated the idea of ​​holding two more decisive fights in September. He proposed holding one debate on Fox News on September 4 and another on NBC News on September 25. Kamala Harris refused to participate in the debate, which will be moderated by the Fox News channel. Having agreed to a meeting on September 10, she noted that she was ready to discuss the possibility of further discussions.

“I'm excited to have conversations about other debates after Sept. 10,” she said at a campaign event co-hosted with the United Auto Workers union in Wayne, Michigan.

Trump, at a press conference at his Mar-o-Lago country club in Florida, said he was looking forward to the debate, the details of which were still being finalized (including audience and location). He clarified that CBS News will host a meeting of vice presidential candidates between Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.

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NBC has offered both campaigns several more potential dates for the presidential debate, a person familiar with the matter told CNBC.

Trump's announcement of a debate with Harris was a reversal of his vow made last week: he said then that he would not participate in the debate on ABC. Trump argued that because he was planning to file a defamation lawsuit against the network, it would create a “conflict of interest.”

Trump's Aug. 8 press conference, which lasted about an hour, came amid a surge in support for the Harris-Walz nomination.

In recent days, the Trump campaign has pressured Harris and Walz to answer questions from the media more often.

“She didn’t give interviews, she can’t give interviews, she’s hardly competent,” her counterpart said on August 8.

Harris has largely avoided reporters since Biden abandoned the presidential race and endorsed her candidacy. Harris and Walz began campaigning in swing states on August 6 without holding press conferences.

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Harris campaign spokesman Ammar Moussa said on August 8 that Trump was "throwing tantrums" because he wasn't getting the attention he "craved."

“Trump has no vision, he has no solutions. He is pursuing a campaign of revenge and retribution to implement his Project 2025 program and make people’s lives worse,” Moussa concluded.

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