COVID-19 vaccination no longer required to immigrate to the US
January 22nd aThe Trump administration has announced that COVID-19 vaccinations are no longer mandatory for immigrants to the United States., Said ABC News.

Photo: Leigh Prather |
According to a notice posted on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website, immigrants will no longer be required to provide proof of vaccination. Applications without information on COVID-19 vaccination status will no longer be rejected.
The measure was first introduced in October 2021 by the administration of 46th President Joe Biden. However, immigrants still need to receive a number of other mandatory vaccines before entering the United States, including polio, measles, hepatitis B, and tetanus.
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Kentucky Congressman Thomas Massie praised the decision.
“I have a bill to end mandatory COVID vaccinations for legal immigrants, but Trump just ended it,” he wrote on Platform X. “Hallelujah!”
In another post on January 21, he criticized President Biden for introducing the requirement.
“The reality is that President Biden created this cruel and unscientific immigration requirement without congressional approval, and President Trump could have repealed it with his signature,” Massie said.
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On Inauguration Day, Donald Trump promised, among other things, to reinstate all military personnel who were discharged for refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19. According to him, these individuals will be paid full compensation for lost wages.
“I will sign an executive order to ensure that our military is not subjected to radical political and social experiments while serving,” Trump said. “It will stop immediately. Our military will be able to focus solely on its core mission: defeating America’s enemies.”
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