Trump faces up to 400 years in prison over classified documents
On June 9, the US Department of Justice released an indictment against the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, for mishandling classified documents after he left office in the White House. What threatens Trump, the publication said Ukrainian Truth.
Trump was charged with 37 counts of knowingly withholding national defense information, conspiring to obstruct justice, withholding documents in a federal investigation, and making false statements.
The heaviest of these items, related to the concealment of documents, provides for punishment of up to 20 years in prison. In total, the president theoretically faces about 400 years in prison.
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The indictment states that Trump kept documents related to U.S. and foreign defense and military capabilities, the U.S. nuclear program, the military vulnerability of the United States and allies, and plans in the event of an attack on America.
"Disclosure of these classified documents without appropriate authority could compromise US national security, the security of the country's military resources, and intelligence sources," the document says.
The act details the chronology of the movement of classified documents from the White House at the end of Trump's presidential term based on testimony, photographic evidence and text messages.
In one of the episodes, for example, it is mentioned how the president's employees temporarily moved the boxes with documents to the shower cabin, because there was not enough space in the room where they were before.
Otherwise, classified classified intelligence documents of limited access lay on the floor, and they could be seen by employees of the Trump residence who did not have the appropriate level of security clearance.
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In addition, an example is given when Trump decided to show a journalist he was interviewing a document with a plan to attack another country. At the same time, the indictment says, Trump has repeatedly stressed that he does not violate the law regarding the treatment of classified information.
Recall that last year the US government seized more than 300 classified documents from Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate. Some of them belonged to the "top secret" category.
This is the second time that Trump facing criminal charges. Two months ago it accused in New York state court in the case of paying money to a porn star. However, the second case is much more serious than the first, because here we are talking about a federal charge, and not at the state level, as in the case of "porn money".
As ForumDaily wrote earlier:
- On August 8, 2022, the FBI issued a warrant for search at the resort Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, as part of an investigation into the handling of presidential documents, including classified documents that may have been delivered there.
- FBI agents seized secret recordings from the home of the 45th US President Donald Trump in Mar-a-Lago, Florida during an unprecedented search. Some of them have been marked as top secret.
- In this case, the US Department of Justice is investigating, Did the 45th President of the United States Donald Trump violate several federal laws related to the handling of classified documents. But that's not all: several other departments also opened cases against the 45th president.
- In addition, the FBI released the agent's testimony, which became the reason for the search of Trump's estate.
- About who in the United States has access to top-secret documents and how unique are the papers that Trump took with him to Mar-a-Lago, read in our material.
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