Trump was convicted of breaking the law: what the court decided regarding the border wall - ForumDaily
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Trump was convicted of breaking the law: what the court decided regarding the border wall

President Trump acted illegally when he declared a state of emergency in the country to finance the construction of the border wall. Such a decision was decided by a federal judge on Friday, October 11, reports The Post.

Photo: Facebook / The White House

The decision of Texas federal judge David Brions cast doubt on the legality of using funds to build a wall on the southern border.

El Paso County and Border Network for Human Rights sued Trump and the administration earlier this year. The lawsuit alleged that the president violated the law when he declared a state of emergency in the country in order to extract funds from the Department of Defense to finance the project.

On Friday, the judge wrote that the law “expressly prohibits” the use of funds allocated by Congress for purposes outside the scope of the appointment.

Photo: Facebook / The White House

Judge Brions instructed the plaintiffs to specify specific requirements for financing the construction of the border wall within 10 days.

Trump's lawyers did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

ForumDaily wrote earlier:

  • It is important for Trump to fulfill one of the key campaign promises. But this provoked a severe crisis of power in the United States. Fell on the country the longest ever shutdown - temporary suspension of work of some government bodies.
  • Led to him wall financing dispute: the Upper House of Congress proposed a draft budget in which $ 1,6 billion was allocated for the construction of barriers on the border with Mexico; Trump refused to sign the budget, which caused the government to stop working.
  • The President took a different path, and on February 15 announced the state of emergency in the country. This measure could allow Trump to bypass Congress and gain access to military means and resources.
  • Already in early September 2019, US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper approved use 3,6 billion dollars allocated for the construction of military facilities for the construction of the 280-kilometer stretch of the wall promised by President Donald Trump on the border with Mexico.

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