Trump wanted to escape from the White House to the crowd storming the Capitol and even attacked a Secret Service agent: former assistant gave shocking testimony - ForumDaily
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Trump wanted to escape from the White House to the crowd storming the Capitol and even attacked a Secret Service agent: the former assistant gave shocking testimony

In the United States, the second open hearing on the storming of the Capitol took place. In stunning testimony, a former White House staffer described how President Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the presidential car and lunged at his head of security after being told he could not go to the Capitol on January 6, 2021, reports CBS.

Photo: Shutterstock

Hutchinson, a former assistant to Trump's White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, said that after Trump delivered his speech to those gathered in Ellips that day, she returned to the White House and saw Anthony Ornato, a senior Secret Service official who served as Deputy head of the operations department. Ornato dragged her into his office, where at the time Trump's head of security, Robert Engel, was sitting in a chair, looking "somewhat bewildered," she said.

Ornato told her that when Trump got into the Beast, the president's heavily armored limousine, he still believed he could go to the Capitol. But when Engel told him they couldn't do it for security reasons, Trump had a "very strong, very angry reaction."

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Today's testimony makes it clear that Trump wanted to go to the Capitol with an armed mob, despite warnings from his advisers not to do so.

"The president said something like, 'I'm the fucking president, take me to the Capitol now,'" she said.
When told it was impossible, Trump "reached out to the front of the car to grab the steering wheel," Ornato told her.

Engel then grabbed his hand and said, “Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We're going back to the West Wing, we're not going to the Capitol," she said.

In response, she said, Trump rushed toward Engel with his free hand, noting that when Ornato told her the story, he "pointed to his collarbones."

Hutchinson told the committee that Engel did not correct or challenge anything Ornato said.

Following the hearing, the Secret Service released a statement saying it intended to act on Hutchinson's testimony. "The US Secret Service has been cooperating with the Select Committee since its inception in the spring of 2021 and will continue to do so, including by formally responding to the Committee on the new allegations that emerged in today's testimony," a US Secret Service spokesman said. Anthony Guglielmi stated this in an interview.

A source close to the secret service confirmed that Engel and the driver were willing to testify under oath that neither man had been physically assaulted by Trump and that he had never thrown himself on the steering wheel of a car.

They do not dispute that Trump was furious or that he demanded to be taken to the Capitol.

The committee also played back recorded testimony from then-White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who said that after returning to the White House, Trump was still trying to get into the Capitol.

“I believe when we got back to the White House, he said he wanted to physically walk with the marchers,” McEnany said. “According to my notes, he then said that he would be fine if he just rode Beast.” As far as I remember, he wanted to participate in the march in some way.”

Hutchinson's testimony about what happened in the car is one of many revelations made during the hearing. Hutchinson also said that Trump knew that some members of the crowd at his Ellipse rally before the Capitol riot had handguns and other weapons, but said he didn't care and still wanted them to be allowed into his rally.

She testified that Trump said "something like, 'I don't fucking care that they have guns. They are not here to harm me. Let people in. Put away the fucking magazines."

Trump responded to Hutchinson's testimony at his social media startup Truth Social.

“I hardly know who this person is, Cassidy Hutchinson, except that I have heard very negative things about her (totally fake),” he wrote.

He also called the car accident a "fake" and a "scam".

“It was even impossible to do such a ridiculous thing,” Trump added.

Separately, Trump said: "The woman who was a huge fan of Trump after January 6th (if her fake stories were true, why would she want to be her?) was fired, so she made up fake and downright outrageous stories, the craziest of which has already turned out to be complete. a lie. The Secret Service said, according to media reports, that this was not true. Wow! It has now lost all credibility, just like this guerrilla "witch hunt" of political hacks.

Recall that a select committee of the House of Representatives began an investigation immediately after the incident and has since interrogated hundreds of people in the case. At a hearing the day before, the committee released video footage of testimony from several former Trump administration advisers and officials. CGTN. The staff said they advised him not to declare himself the winner on election night because he lost. Trump was also asked not to report fraud during the vote, because it could not be confirmed. The former American leader ignored the advice of his aides and continued to insist that the 2020 election "was stolen from him."

Former Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue: “I told Trump bluntly that most of the information he receives is false or unsubstantiated data. We have looked into these allegations, but they have not been substantiated.”

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The first open hearing in this case was held on June 9th. On them, former US Attorney General William Barr made it clear that there was no evidence of fraud in the 2020 presidential election. It is also noted that the department has enough evidence to bring criminal charges against Trump in an attempt to cancel the election results. Trump himself considers the investigation politically motivated and calls it a "mockery of justice."

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