Trump has chosen his Ukrainian chargé d'affaires: how General Keith Kellogg intends to end the war - ForumDaily
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Trump has chosen his Ukrainian chargé d'affaires: how General Keith Kellogg intends to end the war

Donald Trump has appointed Keith Kellogg as special envoy for Ukraine and Russia, a new position created amid the ongoing war between the two countries, writes The Guardian.

Photo: Yurasova |

Kellogg, 80, a retired U.S. Army lieutenant general, will take up his duties as Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine enters its third year.

"Keith has had a distinguished military and business career, including serving on critical national security missions in my first administration. He has been with me from the start! Together, we will secure peace through strength and make America and the world safe again!" Trump wrote in a post on the Truth Social platform.

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Trump Cabinet and Administration Appointments

Kellogg previously served as national security adviser to Vice President Mike Pence during Trump's first term. He then became Trump's acting national security adviser following the resignation of Michael Flynn in 2017.

Regarding Trump's plan to end Russia's war with Ukraine, Kellogg previously told Reuters that he would emphasize the need for negotiations between the countries.

"We say to the Ukrainians, 'You have to come to the negotiating table or U.S. support will stop,'" Kellogg said in an interview in June. "And we say to Putin, 'You have to come to the negotiating table or we will give the Ukrainians everything they need to kill you on the battlefield.'"

Reaction to Kellogg's Potential Appointment

Initial reactions to Kellogg's possible appointment have been muted, The Hill reports.

"It's not terrible, but it's not great either," said a Washington-based security analyst who asked to remain anonymous.

Former Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States Oleh Shamshur expressed pessimism regarding Kellogg's possible appointment.

"As far as I understand, he fully accepts the logic of Trump's 'peace plan', which is being conveyed by Vice President-elect J.D. Vance," Shamshur said, hinting at Vance's support for the idea of ​​ceding Ukrainian territories to Russia and abandoning plans for Ukraine to join NATO.

Luke Coffey, a senior fellow at the conservative Hudson Institute think tank, stressed in a September interview with The New York Times that Vance's plans are not "a realistic proposal for peace."

“This was a plan for victory for Russia,” he clarified.

Trump's Influence on the War in Ukraine

Trump's upcoming presidency raises questions about the prospects for a Russian war with Ukraine. He named a quick end to the war as one of his main campaign promises, but has not provided details on how he plans to achieve this.

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Some Ukraine supporters have expressed concerns that Trump's moves to end the war could undermine the country's security or lead to the cession of Ukrainian territory to Russia.

However, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he is confident that the war with Russia will end faster than it would have without Trump's participation.

Following Trump's victory in the current US presidential election, Zelensky reportedly held a "constructive dialogue" with him.

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