Trump threatens to sue the Pulitzer Prize jury: why it did not please him
The 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, is calling on the Pulitzer Prize board to revoke the awards given by the New York Times and the Washington Post in 2018 for its coverage of an investigation into a connection between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank. Otherwise, he threatens to go to court with a lawsuit. Yahoo! News.
In a letter to Pulitzer Prize administrator Marjorie Miller, Trump noted that he twice made the request stating that the award-winning articles were based on false information.
“There is no doubt that the Pulitzer Commission gave these media outlets an award for the false and fabricated information they published,” Trump said. - Recognition of prizes by the Pulitzer Prize Board is misrepresentation and misrepresentation. This will all lead to legal action if the council does not do the right thing on its own.”
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Trump's May 27 letter cited "additional recent evidence" and called for the top journalism awards board to "pay close attention to the development of the ongoing criminal trial of Michael Sussman, a former Hillary Clinton campaign staffer in 2016."
Sussman was accused of lying to the FBI and hiding the fact that he represented the Clinton campaign when he had a meeting with agents in which he provided information about Trump. Sussman was acquitted by a jury on May 31.
Trump pointed out that Clinton approved the dissemination of materials in the media claiming that there was a secret communication channel between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank, although her campaign staff was not "totally confident" in the legitimacy of the data.
Trump said the Times and Post would have quickly learned that it was a "shameful slander" by the Clinton campaign "if they did a little investigative journalism" on the matter.
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Trump also asked the council to study a report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz detailing problems with the FBI's handling of the early stages of the Trump-Russia investigation before it was turned over to Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
“Along with posting material that contains heinous false attacks on me, you also did everything possible to destroy my reputation,” Trump said, and then asked: “Now how do I get my reputation back?”
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