Tragic mistake: in California, Tesla drove into a pool with three people inside the car - ForumDaily
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Tragic mistake: in California Tesla slid into the pool with three people inside the car

In California, three people, including a four-year-old boy, were rescued by a passer-by after their Tesla fell into a pool, reports Independent.

Photo: IStock

According to the Pasadena Fire Department, the accident happened around 9 a.m. Jan. 10 along the 700 block of West California Boulevard in Pasadena.

Officials said the two adults and a boy were driving the Tesla when the driver pressed the gas pedal instead of the brake, causing the car to crash into a wall and into the home's swimming pool.

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Lisa Derderian, a spokeswoman for the city of Pasadena, said two employees from a nearby day care center ran over to help the three passengers in the car.

“Quite quickly after the accident, the car began to sink under the water,” she said.

Kindergarten employees jumped into the pool and pulled the boy and two adults out of the car, which was sinking in the water.

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Miraculously, the boy and two adults escaped unharmed, according to Derderian.

There were no reports of injuries to people in the house.

A dramatic photo posted by the Pasadena Fire Department on Twitter shows the aftermath of the incident as a white Tesla plunged into a pool.

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The crash is being investigated, but officials believe it was an accident caused by the driver pressing the wrong pedal.

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