Items worth and not worth buying in January - ForumDaily
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Items worth and not worth buying in January

This month you will have a great opportunity to buy some products at especially nice prices. Ready to get started? NerdWallet tells what to buy and what to avoid in January 2022.

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Buy: Christmas decorations

The period after Christmas has long been the best time to buy Christmas decorations. Although, most likely, you bought everything for the past holiday long before it began, in January, the remains of artificial Christmas trees, garlands and shiny tinsel will still be sold in stores. If you have storage space, this is the best time to stock up on holiday accessories for next season.

Do not buy: toys

Toys scattered like hot cakes on holidays, but with the end of Christmas there are unlikely to be many worthwhile promotions. The good news is that your children are likely to be satisfied with December gifts for a while.

Buy: TVs

January marks the start of promotions as retailers help shoppers prepare for TV viewing parties. The Super Bowl is scheduled for February 2, and sales are expected to begin in late January. Traditionally, large retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy, Target and others, before a major game, discount on a wide range of televisions of different brands and sizes.

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Do not buy: mattresses

Big discounts on mattresses occur in February, when sales are held on Presidential Day. For example, in 2019, Mattress Firm offered a free adjustable base for a mattress, along with the purchase of the mattress itself for $ 599 or more. Nectar Sleep provided $ 125 plus two free pillows when buying a Nectar mattress.

This year, Presidents' Day is February 17th, so wait another month to buy a new mattress. Discounts will then return in May on Memorial Day weekend and in September on Labor Day weekend.

Buy: fitness equipment

January is a great time to sign up for a discounted gym membership, as many chains offer New Year's specials. But don't spend that money unless you're sure you'll use the membership. Too often new members buy it for a whole year and then stop showing up after a month or two. And if you prefer to work out at home, fitness equipment will also be discounted.

Buy: "white sales"

You might not want to buy a whole new mattress, but you can save money on sheets and blankets that can be used with your existing one. January is the period when stores hold “white sales” to clear their inventory of sheets, towels, and blankets. Last year, stores offered 60%-70% discounts on basic bedding.

Bonus: Martin Luther King Day Sales

You may not associate Martin Luther King Jr. with shopping, but retailers certainly do. The holiday falls on January 17, and you can expect discounts on clothes and household goods. Major weekend sales of up to 75% included a discount on bedding at Bloomingdale's and a 40% discount coupon on purchases at Gap.

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Bonus: National Spaghetti Day

In January, it’s worth keeping an eye on more than just sales. The calendar is filled with days to observe just about everything, and one of them—National Spaghetti Day—comes on January 4th. Use this day as your chance to get dine-in at participating restaurants.

Take the time to save money

Since you're looking for discounts at the end of the season, keep in mind that waiting for low prices alone is not enough, says Ozalp Ozer, a professor of management at the University of Texas at Dallas. You will need to take time to search. A good promotion may mean that the goods are quickly taken apart. It is especially important to spend extra time if your budget is limited.

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