Goods worth and not worth buying in American stores in August - ForumDaily
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Items worth and not worth buying in American stores in August

August is not only a traditional time for shopping for school supplies, but also an excellent period for purchasing many other things, writes Money Talks News.

Photo: Shutterstock

With tax-free days, end-of-season discounts, and pre-Labor Day sales, you'll have plenty of chances to find great shopping this month. What to buy and what should you refrain from purchasing in August?

Worth buying

1. Back to school products

Students, parents, office workers, and stationery enthusiasts can (and should) seize the moment to purchase such items at great prices. On many things, they will fall so much that you should not be surprised at the price tag of less than a dollar.

A lot of discounts are expected at Target and Walmart chains, as well as stores such as Staples, Office Depot and OfficeMax... You will find cheap markers, pencils, scissors, notepads, napkins, and more.

The good news is that many retailers will be offering discounts online as well as in stores, as they do every year. Keep in mind that when purchasing an item online, the discounts may often be smaller than if you choose the “pick up in store” option.

2. Duty free goods

Although some states have tax holidays at the end of July, most of the best trading events occur in August. Whether you have kids or not, these tax-free weekends (or weeks) are the perfect opportunity to stock up on clothing, office supplies, and computer equipment.

However, you will still want to do your research and weigh your options, be aware that a tax-free product does not always mean the best deal.

3. Summer clothes (possibly)

August is usually a great time to find discounted clothing that is seasonally appropriate. During the August sales, you can see discounts of up to 70% or 75% at various stores. However, some retailers change their sales methods at the end of the season, so it's best to check with the store you're interested in for conditions.

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You can find shorts, dresses, T-shirts, and swimwear for cheap.

Whether you send your kids to a traditional school or rely on homeschooling, August is a good time to look for new children's clothing. Pay attention to The children's place, Walmart and Amazon.

4. Laptops

As with every year, it's a good idea to wait until Black Friday to shop for laptops as that's when you'll find the best deals. But if you can't wait that long, the big sales in August are the right time.


5. Patio furniture

Even if you're not hosting a backyard barbecue this summer, that doesn't mean you should skip buying furniture. August tends to be a good month to buy new patio furniture, and you will have plenty of time to enjoy the warm weather before the temperature drops.

Amazon is expected to offer up to 25% discounts on private label furniture AmazonBasics for outdoor use, and Walmart will discount a ton of patio furniture during the Season Sale.

Keep an eye on individual items to find decent prices. Last year, portable hammocks were selling for $30, Adirondack chairs were as low as $33, and umbrellas were up to $17.

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6. Early sales before Labor Day

Labor Day is celebrated on September 5 this year, but sales are expected to start well before that.

The first sales are expected at least two weeks before the holiday, that is, around August 24th.

Usually the first sales before Labor Day start on Overstock.combut Home Depot, REI, Sam's club и Columbia, and so in HP, walmart, The North Face, Lowe's и Dick's Sporting Goods.

Some of these early sales may offer modest discounts, but this does not apply to all.

The North Face may offer a maximum of 25%, but should be one that offers much larger discounts: up to 70% off furniture, bedding, décor and outdoor items, as it has in the past two years.

7. Seasonal fruits and vegetables

Fresh seasonal produce will continue to be available at the best prices this month.

Enjoy great prices for sweet fruits including apples, apricots, blueberries, melons, figs, kiwis, mangoes, peaches, plums, raspberries, strawberries, tomatoes, and watermelons.

In terms of vegetables, this is the perfect month to buy pumpkin, corn, cucumber, eggplant, green beans, kohlrabi, lettuce, okra, pepper, chard, and courgettes.

And if you want to shop at your local store, visit this siteto find products that sell in season near you. You can select your state and search by early or late months, or by a specific product type.

4 things not to buy in August

  • Latest iPhone Model: Apple usually cuts prices on older models when new iPhones are released in September. Prices will also drop on Black Friday.
  • Fall Clothes: Items will already hit shelves in August, so don't expect any sales. The first discounts will begin in October, but still the best time is Black Friday.
  • Large home appliances. While Labor Day sales will include some promotions on home appliances, better discounts and more assortment await you on Black Friday.
  • TVs: There will be more deals on Black Friday with significantly better discounts.

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