Top 6 medical courses, after which you can work anywhere in the USA
Companies in the USA, especially in the IT industry and medicine, have long moved away from the cult of higher education and are hiring specialists with the skills they need from the courses. In most cases, such a specialist must have a certificate confirming his qualifications. Many of them are valid only in the territory of the state where they were obtained, but there are also those that allow you to work throughout the United States. And they are especially valuable because they make it possible to travel around the country and choose the best job offers or cities with low housing prices.
New york school Private Career School Concord Rusam offers different courses in the medical professions with a narrow specialization. Most of them provide for obtaining national certificates, that is, after training, you can choose any place of work and life where it is most comfortable. At the same time, you do not have to re-prove your knowledge and skills just because you have moved.
Six courses Concord rusam, after which you can obtain a national certificate and work in any state of America
Blood sampling specialist (Phlebotomy technician)
It takes just a few weeks to become a blood draw specialist in the USA. Theoretical classes are held in a lecture room, and in an equipped laboratory, students acquire practical skills: they master the technique of blood draw, storage and transportation of samples, and study the labeling of test tubes. Upon successful completion of the program, students receive a school certificate and also pass a national exam. This received national certificate gives the right to work in any state.
The salary of blood collection specialists in the United States reaches 42 thousand dollars per year.
Electrocardiogram Specialist (Electrocardiography Technician)
In this course, students are taught how to work with machines for taking an electrocardiogram (ECG), the technique of taking an ECG, the ability to read test results, and see cardiac pathologies. The duration of the course is only 52 hours of classroom and clinical training.
Upon completion of this course, Concord Rusam graduates receive a certificate Electrocardiography Technician, they can start working anywhere in the United States and earn about $50 thousand a year.
Receptionist (Clinical Medical Assistant)
This program takes six months and includes courses Electrocardiography Technician и Phlebotomy technicianas well as practice in medical offices. Clinical Medical Assistant requires knowledge of anatomy and medical terminology. School Concord rusam teaches all this, as well as the basics of diagnostics and analysis.
Since the school's teaching is fully compliant with American standards and the programs are approved by the Department of Education, Concord Rusam graduates can work in the medical field in any state of America immediately after passing the national exam. The salary of a Clinical Medical Assistant in the USA is about $40 thousand per year.
Patient Care Specialist (Patient Care Technician)
This extensive course includes programs Phlebotomy technician, Electrocardiography Technician и Certified Nurse Aid. Upon completion of these three programs, students receive a separate certificate in each specialty and a general certificate in patient care (PCT), which significantly expands their employment opportunities. Despite such a wide range of knowledge provided, the course lasts only a few months, and ultimately allows you to earn more than $40 thousand per year from the start.
Medical Billing and Coding Specialist (Medical Billing and Coding)
This profession is in great demand in the United States, since the provision of almost any medical service involves a relationship with insurance companies. It is the Medical Billing and Coding specialist (or biller) that connects the patient, the insurance company and any institution that provides medical services.
Biller course in Concord rusam lasts 4 months. During this time, students master the types of insurance, special coding of various medical services and the maintenance of professional medical records, as well as practice directly in the Medical Billing and Coding office.
The salary of billers in America reaches $60 thousand per year, and the certificate that can be obtained after completing the course in Concord rusam, allows you to work in any region of the United States.
Pharmacist Assistant (Pharmacy Technician)
Become a Pharmacy Technician in the USA in School Concord rusam can be completed in 96 hours. Classes are taught by highly professional teachers with many years of experience in the pharmaceutical field. The program introduces students to medical drugs, rules for calculating dosages of various drugs, inventory, account management, writing medical prescriptions and laws in the pharmaceutical industry. The exam for the certificate of assistant pharmacist is held right on the school premises.
Pharmacy Technician salary in the USA exceeds $40 thousand per year.
School Concord rusam in just a few months, you will become a highly specialized medical specialist with a certificate that allows you to work in any state in America. In addition, the school's specialists will help you write a resume, prepare for an interview, and even find a job. School graduates working in hospitals and offices report open vacancies and recommend those who have successfully completed training at Concord Rusam. In addition, many medical offices have already appreciated the high level of training and knowledge of Concord Rusam graduates, and in the event of a vacancy, they immediately contact this school in search of new employees.
Material prepared in partnership with
Private Career School Concord Rusam
Address: 412 8th Ave, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10001,
Phone: 212-619-2260
Email: [email protected]
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