Top 14 Sites with Free Online Courses for Mastering a New Profession or Hobby - ForumDaily
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Top 14 Websites with Free Online Courses to Learn a New Career or Hobby

Do you want to learn a new skill but don't feel like you have the time? Do you want to go back to school but need to take some preparation courses beforehand? Or do you want to change your profession? There is a solution to all these problems: online courses, reports The Muse.

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They are shorter than a college semester, are usually self-regulating, and cover just about every skill, topic, and hobby imaginable.

But with that luxury comes a lot of responsibility – basically the task of finding the site that works best for you.

These 14 sites will help you improve your skills. Now all you have to do is register!

1. Alison

У ALISON There is a large selection of free, comprehensive classes in technology, languages, science, financial literacy, personal and interpersonal skills, entrepreneurship, and more. It is designed for all types of learners, from professionals and managers to teachers and freelancers. You can also search for the career you have or would like to have to find the courses that are most useful to you.

2. Udemy

У Udemy There is a lot to offer students on a budget, from completely free courses taught by experts, professors, entrepreneurs and professionals, to frequent discounts and special offers for paid classes. In addition to technology, business, design, and marketing classes, you can also explore productivity, health, hobbies, lifestyle, and art options.

3. Coursera

If you want to take college level courses without the high cost of college tuition, Coursera - the best choice. This website offers amazing courses in everything from professional development and professional skills to psychology, history and literature. And all of them are created and taught by professors from the leading educational institutions of the country and the world, including Princeton, Johns Hopkins University, Stanford and many others.

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Coursera gives you the option to listen to thousands of classes for free, or take the full course and earn a certificate starting at $29. If you want to get one of their "specializations" or "professional certifications," you can do so for less than $50 a month.

4. edX

Like Coursera, edX offers everyone and everywhere the opportunity to attend university classes in various faculties and receive certificates. Like Coursera, most classes are audited for free, but getting certified and completing assignments will cost a little more ($50 to $300). Major edX partners include Harvard, Berkeley, Dartmouth, Georgetown, and the University of Chicago.

5. Udacity

Udacity specializes in software development, offering free courses in programming, data science, web development, and other areas of technology such as product management, marketing, and cybersecurity. The website also offers a nanodegree program for people who want to master a skill set or pursue a full-time career in technology, albeit at a higher cost.

6 LinkedIn Learning

By subscribing to LinkedIn Learning, you'll have access to thousands of courses in business, design, art, education, and technology, as well as career and personal development. You can display completed certifications right on your LinkedIn profile and get an idea of ​​what others in your network are learning. Plus, LinkedIn Learning offers a free one-month trial so you can try your hand!

7 General Assembly

As a coding training course and technical education provider, General Assembly offers both online courses and face-to-face classes, as well as full-time or part-time options. But these options are a bit pricey. What has earned General Assembly a place on this list are free seminars that introduce you to topics like digital marketing, software development, data science and analytics, and design and Dash, a free basic coding course.

8.Skill share

Skillshare offers small classes so you can learn something new, even if you only have 15 minutes a day. It offers over 27 free and premium classes to choose from in topics such as film, writing, technology, fine arts, productivity, and entrepreneurship.

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Skillshare will give you a free seven-day trial (long enough for a few short sessions) and will then cost you about $14 per month.

9. Codecademy

Codecademy wants to teach you how to code—often for free. It covers all kinds of programming including JavaScript, Ruby, HTML, CSS and Python.


After subscribing to Pluralsight (or use its free trial!), you'll be able to take classes in software, 3D development, visual effects, design, game design, web design, cybersecurity, cloud computing, and CAD software, among other topics.

11 Adobe

Don't know how to use Photoshop or InDesign? Don't worry, Adobe walks you through their programs with free Creative Cloud tutorials.

12. Google Skills

In the same vein Google Skills offers free certifications in many of Google's web, software, and hardware tools, including YouTube, Android, and Waze, for a range of careers such as cybersecurity, marketing, design, education, and data science. There are also free courses on digital skills and growing your business.

13. FutureLearn

All classes FutureLearn are completely free. You can find a range of courses taught by universities and specialist organizations covering subjects such as e-business and management; art and media; law; literature; IT and informatics; health care and medicine; science, engineering and mathematics; politics and society; psychology and mental health; learning skills.

14 Academic Earth

And if you're looking for purely academic pursuits, this broker perfect for you. It has courses in the arts, sciences, humanities, economics, computer science, and more, all for free.

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